News and commentary: progress in work

Author: Robert (Page 3 of 55)

‘On Patrol: Live’ Recap: June 14-15, 2024, Continued

This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights, Commentary, and Social Media Activity

A recap of the June 15, 2024, On Patrol: Live episode (OPL #02-84), anchored in the NYC studio by host Dan Abrams, along with co-host Curtis Wilson, and this weekend’s guest analyst Bradley Taylor, the Hazen, Ark., police chief, appears below read more

‘On Patrol: Live’ Recap: June 7-8, 2024, Continued

This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights, Commentary, and Social Media Activity

A recap of the June 8, 2024, On Patrol: Live episode (OPL #02-82), usually anchored in the NYC studio by host Dan Abrams, along with co-host Curtis Wilson, and this weekend with guest analyst Captain Tom Rizzo, appears below. read more

‘On Patrol: Live’ Recap: May 24-25, 2024, Continued

This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights, Commentary, and Social Media Activity

A recap of the May 25, 2024, On Patrol: Live episode (OPL #02-78) appears below.

[NOTEClick here for the OPL #02-77, May 24, 2024, recap.]

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On Patrol: Live Summary for May 25, 2024 (#OPL Episode 02-78)

  • Berkeley County, S.C. –– Cpl. Noah White and other units pursue an alleged stolen truck and conduct a traffic stop at gunpoint on the vehicle after a highway patrol officer implements a PIT maneuver. Cpl. White summary: “Highway Patrol did a successful PIT. Vehicle wrecked out. Highway Patrol gave us some callouts. She complied, got out of the vehicle, crack pipe, still clenched in her hand, along with a lighter. We were able to get her into custody pretty easily. Luckily, she complied. Didn’t have a gun on her. So now we’re gonna figure out where we go from here…but we recovered the stolen vehicle with nearly minimal damage….we’re going to look at the vehicle and see how bad it looks.”
  • Richland County, S.C. — Dep. Matt Smith and other units investigate a domestic dispute involving a possible weapon at a trailer park. They make contact with a man who claims someone pulled a gun on him. “I swear to God on my soul.” Lots of yelling from bystanders in the background. Heavy bleeping. One female twerks for the OPL camera.
  • Toledo, Ohio — Ofr. LIndsey Erhart assists other cops in a pursuit of a truck that “just kicked off.” The driver is detained. “That’s my girlfriend’s truck.” Ofr. Erhart: “So this crew attempted to stop this vehicle for a traffic violation. He did not want to stop, so I got secondary in the pursuit, and he ended up stopping and complying once we got him stopped….he’ll be going to jail for failure to comply.” Officer on scene to driver: “What was the point of running?” Response: I was scared.” Cops conduct an inventory search of the vehicle prior to it being towed. Erhart adds that “So he said he was suspended, and he was scared, so that’s why he decided to take us on a pursuit.” OPL substitute host Ashleigh Banfield: “Already a busy Saturday night, two chases, two arrests, one stolen vehicle, and a twerk show.”
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. (pre-recorded segment) — Sgt. Marcus Booth conducts a traffic stop for an expired tag. Driver: “I know my license is suspended, so I just wanted to get home.” When asked if he has a warrant, the driver responds “not that I know of.” The motorist is taken into custody on a warrant.

Listen to Sgt. Booth’s dialogue with the driver: read more

‘On Patrol: Live’ Recap: May 17-18, 2024, Continued

This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights, Commentary, and Social Media Activity

A recap of the May 18, 2024, On Patrol: Live episode (OPL #02-76) appears below.

[NOTEClick here for the OPL #02-75, May 17, 2024, recap.]

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On Patrol: Live Summary for May 18, 2024 (#OPL Episode 02-76)

  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Ofr. Robert Mowery and a colleague make contact with a pedestrian who apparently had walking in the middle of the road. The woman is detained. Cops are unable to identify her even with a fingerprint reader. Ofr. Mowery: “So we’re still trying to get her IDed. I can’t run her prints because she’s chewed off the tips of her fingers. They’re all covered in bruises and scabs and blood, so I wouldn’t even be able to get a fingerprint off her. We’re gonna try some other resources to try to get her identified, but right now, we still have nothing.”
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Lt. Richie Maher conducts a traffic stop at a gas station on an alleged street racer.
  • Lee County, Fla. — Dep. Damian Lehmann is on scene where a bicyclist seem asleep in a driveway after possibly falling off the bike and allegedly walking in homeowners’ yards. He makes contact with the subject. Caption: “Report of intoxicated person.” An ambulance is summoned. “What do you use, because you’re sweating a lot…what are you on so I can tell the medics?” The subject is transported to a local hospital.
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Lt. Maher leaves the above stop to back up Ofr. Thomas Goble at a stop at the same gas station. Guns allegedly found in a car search. OPL host Dan Abrams: “John Curley, you’ve seen a weapon like that before?” Guest analyst Lt. John Curley (ret.): “Not a s sophisticated as that on the pistol side. But as far as the AK without a stock, I personally have not. [The color] even matches the car. So that’s got to count for something, right?”

Ofr. Goble summary: “…there’s a couple of higher-end, nicer-model vehicles in front of us. We kept hearing them rev their engines like they were gonna race. And, of course, as luck would have it, as soon as the light turned green, they both took off. Extremely careless; one of them was burning the tires. So we conducted a traffic stop on both of the vehicles. The vehicle that I attempted to stop as he turned off the main roadway — I watched him throw an item out of the window, and I was able to identify as a clear plastic baggie. Once he stopped, I got him out of the vehicle and detained him for the investigation. He admitted post-Miranda that he threw a baggie of some old tobacco that had a little bit of marijuana in it out the window. Unfortunately for him, marijuana is a misdemeanor that we don’t normally charged for, but throwing it out the window is destruction and tampering of evidence, which is a felony in the state of Florida. Also, you can see here in the probable cause search, so far we’ve located at least two firearms. He was very honest about that and told me pretty much right off the bat that there were two firearms in the vehicle, so he’s being cooperative at the moment, but the careless and reckless driving and discarding items of evidentiary value in the city is just not gonna fly with us. So we’re gonna continue our investigations, make sure there’s nothing else in the vehicle, and then we’ll make the final determination on if he’s gonna be charged.” Ofr. Goble follow-up: “So he’s been informed of the outcome of the investigation. We’re gonna write him some citations, and get him out of here…” Abrams: “So he was carrying that weapon legally, and he’s just gonna get, sounds like, a couple of tickets, [and] he’ll be going on his way.” read more

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