News and commentary: progress in work

Author: Robert (Page 30 of 56)

The ‘Woke’ NBA, China, and Shoes

Lots of National Basketball Association players head to China in the off season. It’s not just for the extra appearance cash; the sneaker companies tell them to just do it, as it were. NBA players sign enormous contracts with the athletic shoe companies, and brand marketing is part of the deal. The NBA, the shoe companies, and China’s state-controlled economy are closely linked. read more

Trump, Democrats, and Projection

President Donald Trump has a tendency to throw rhetorical fuel on the fire. When his riffing at a rally, or sending out a tweet storm, he often creates needless feuds. This kind of rhetoric can obscure a substantive message about his administration’s America First accomplishments. In this way, he tends to forget that when your opponents are digging a hole, let them keep digging. read more

This Week on ‘Live PD’ — October 4-5, 2019

Season 4, Week 2 of the A&E Hit

Here’s what you missed on Live PD this weekend.

Live PD is the ratings-winning, three-hour law enforcement ride-along show that ordinarily airs fresh episodes on Friday and Saturday evenings (with occasional bonus episodes on other nights) at 9 p.m. Eastern time on the A&E television network. Live PD producers and videographers embed in real time with officers on patrol from eight different U.S. police agencies. Friday night’s episode aired from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern time. read more

Vote Democrat in 2020

The Republicans have a lot of explaining to do. Among other issues, the Iraq War was a disaster, they failed to cut the federal budget deficit when they controlled Congress, and former House Speaker Paul Ryan didn’t even lift a finger in 2018 to keep the House in GOP hands. He also played games with funding (or non-funding) the border wall. read more

This Week on ‘Live PD’ — September 27-28, 2019

Season 4, Week 2 of the A&E Hit

Here’s what you missed on Live PD this weekend.

Live PD is the ratings-winning, three-hour law enforcement ride-along show that ordinarily airs fresh episodes on Friday and Saturday evenings (with occasional bonus episodes on other nights) at 9 p.m. Eastern time on the A&E television network. Live PD producers and videographers embed in real time with officers on patrol from eight different U.S. police agencies.  read more

Boris Johnson’s Brexit Blues

Boris Johnson‘s lifelong dream of becoming U.K. prime minister has become something of a nightmare thus far.

He’s lost his “Conservative” majority in parliament, the House of Commons, and the pro-European Union, Remain-dominated chamber seemingly has passed legislation blocking a no-deal Brexit. Plus, the opposition Labor Party under Marxist anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn has blocked Johnson’s call for a snap national election to break the impasse, reversing their new election advocacy. Making matters worse, the Tony Blair-appointed, globalist Supreme Court ruled that Johnson’s temporary prorogation (suspension) of parliament was illegal. read more

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