News and commentary: progress in work

Author: Robert (Page 40 of 56)

Israel Apartheid: Here’s the Proof

Critics of Israel, including those activists in the Boycott, Disinvestment, and Sanctions movement, argue that the Jewish state practices apartheid. So-called Israel Apartheid Week is scheduled for April 8-11, overlapping with Israel’s April 9 national election and the run-up to the Passover celebration. Against that backdrop, it seems appropriate to point out that the small country is the only functioning, westernized democracy in the Middle East. Like the U.S., Israel has issues, not the least of which is its own Deep State seeking to undermine incumbent Prime Minister Netanyahu. Among other civil rights, it is also a country where people are free to practice any religion or no religion. A visitor walking down the street of any Israeli city will immediately realize that it is a diverse, multi-ethnic, multicultural country. These compelling images say it all about Israel apartheid. read more

Robert Kraft Is Fighting the Law – Will the Law Win?

Attorneys for Robert Kraft and Palm Beach, County, Fla, prosecutors are still jockeying for position in the pending criminal case against the billionaire New England Patriots owner. It appears, however, that apart from the authorities’ initial splashy press conference and some subsequent comments, no evidence of human trafficking at the Jupiter, Fla., massage parlor has apparently emerged. This raises a fundamental question: Shouldn’t local cops be investigating or preventing serious felonies rather than spending/wasting time pursuing low-level charges against Mr. Kraft and other spa customers. If human trafficking was really going on, cops in the multi-county investigation were duty-bound to immediately rescue the women held against their will and shut down the locations rather than investigate for six months or so. Although prostitution is obviously illegal in Florida, morality aside, it appears that the scenario revolves around consenting adults engaging in commerce. read more

WFAN Host Craig Carton Sentenced to 3-1/2 Years in Prison

A federal judge today sentenced former New York City sports radio WFAN host Craig Carton to 3-1/2 year behind bars for his involvement in an apparent Ponzi scheme. Carton has admitted to being a high-rolling gambling addict which led to the wrongdoing. Clinton-appointed Judge Colleen McMahon threw Carton a curve ball by opening up with the tired talk radio refrain, “Colleen from New York. First time, long time,” the New York Post reported. read more

California Woman Harasses and Threatens to Dox MAGA-Hat-Wearing Senior Citizen

An older man minding his own business at a Palo Alto, Cal., Starbucks apparently triggered a woman merely because he was wearing a MAGA hat, according to news reports. The woman who tried to bully him, described by Palo Alto Online as a member of a local progressive Democrat organization, accused the 74 year old of being a Nazi and racist. It turns out the man is Jewish. A music store where the woman worked subsequently fired her. read more

Theresa May Meets with ‘Marxist’ Jeremy Corbyn on Brexit

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May today met with Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who critics describe as a Marxist, to try to break the Brexit deadlock in the House of Commons, the British parliament. May repeatedly promised the British electorate that Brexit means Brexit, that the U.K. would officially escape the Brussels-based European Union on March 29, and that no deal is better than a bad deal. She has lived up to none of those commitments. The deal that she negotiated, which Brexit champion Nigel Farage calls a surrender document and a binding treaty, would actually keep the U.K. trapped in the EU as a non-voting member, i.e. Brexit in Name Only (BRINO). read more

The Southern Poverty Law Center Scams Gullible Liberals: Ex-Staffer

Corporate America, including Big Tech, credulously allows skewed “hate group” data from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a basis for de-platforming mainstream, responsible right-of-center commentators or groups, or others perceived to be politically conservative. Referencing a tell-all published by The New Yorker late last month, Washington Examiner columnist Becket Adams excoriates the civil rights organization loved by the mainstream fake news media, however, of actually functioning as a “vicious, left-wing attack dog” and money-making scam that smears “Christians and anti-extremist activists.” read more

What’s Going On with Mike Francesa?

After his much hyped mid-December 2017, retirement, iconic WFAN host Mike Francesa returned to the New York City sports radio station’s airwaves about a year ago. Since then, his compulsive tendency to rewrite history has gotten far worse, which is saying something. Francesa teamed with Chris Russo on one of the most all-time successful sports-talk programs, theMike and the Mad Dog show, from 1989 to 2008 on WFAN (660 AM, 101.9 FM and Internet streaming) until the “Mad Dog” defected to SiriusXM (and subsequently MLB TV). Francesa flew solo starting as of September 2008. Long presiding over the number-one radio show in the NYC-area afternoon drive demo, Francesa and ESPN rival Michael Kay find themselves locked in a close battle for sports dominance. (Check back for updates on the winter ratings book.) Coming out of his brief retirement, “sports doctor” Francesa appears to be sick of sports or vice versa. He’s lost his grip on the rhetorical fastball. One wonders how long WFAN or Mike himself, who is operating without a contract with the Entercom-owned station, will keep going through the motions. And the madness is hardly restricted to March. read more

Can Health Studies Be Trusted?

When they’re not taking cheap shots at U.S. President Donald Trump, the mainstream media loves to publicize studies that purport to discredit dietary supplements. When it comes to nutritional supplements, let’s stipulate that here are some products on the market that contain substandard ingredients and/or don’t live up to the hype. Other such products have turned out to be effective and safe according to proponents, including complimentary doctors. read more

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