News and commentary: progress in work

Author: Robert (Page 51 of 56)

Did ESPN ‘Get Up’ Tell Michelle Beadle to Get Lost?

When sanctimonious Get Up co-host Michelle Beadle on Thursday grandstanded/virtue-signalled about no longer watching football in the aftermath of the Urban Meyer scandal, the NFL-centric ESPN obviously had already decided to send her back to Los Angeles (did she keep her apartment and put her furniture in a storage unit?) to increase her role in NBA coverage. She also supposedly leveraged a contract extension out of the schedule reshuffle. read more

Visiting Amsterdam: Tips and Recommendations

With an estimated 18 million visitors a year, and up to 300,000 tourists and residents on hand during any given night in the relatively small heart of the city, Amsterdam in the Netherlands is probably one of the best people-watching venues that you might visit, as others have noted. Most locals are friendly and speak English. read more

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