You thought U.S. politics were weird, right? Well, the cross-party, anti-Brexit, pro-EU Remainers in the U.K. parliament have dealt the British public a double dose of duplicity. By a margin of 328 to 301, they have voted to block a no-deal Brexit on October 31 (thereby removing the country’s primary bargaining chip to get a good divorce agreement) and also have voted against Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for a snap election to resolve the impasse.

According to the Guido Fawkes blog, the “surrender bill” outcome is “forcing the PM not only to ask for an extension but accept any terms the EU proposed.”

It is inexplicable that Members of Parliament (MPs) would prioritize the European Union over the best interests of their own country. Seems like there is a word for that, isn’t there?

Ongoing anti-democratic efforts to sabotage Brexit and betray the will of the people would, if at all, create a Brexit in Name Only scenario. BRINO in its various iterations would keep the U.K. under the thumb of the single market, the customs union, and the European Court of Justice and other instrumentalities of the EU’s bloated bureaucracy instead of reclaiming the country’s sovereignty over laws, trade, and immigration.

Plus, the opposition Labor Party repeatedly claimed it wanted an election, at least until it didn’t want one. A general election that features pro-Brexit Conservative and Brexit Party candidates forming a coalition would presumably win in a landslide assuming the Leave vote won’t be split.

A Harrowing Headache for Boris

Earlier today, the Spectator “Evening Blend” newsletter summarized the latest developments:

“In the past few minutes, the government has failed to get two-thirds of the House of Commons to approve its motion calling for an early general election. Only 298 MPs voted in favor of this motion, which was introduced by Boris Johnson shortly after the bill forcing him to seek an extension to the Brexit deadline passed all its stages in the Commons. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be an election, though. Once the legislation has gone through its stages in the [House of] Lords, too, it is likely that the government will once again call an election by tabling a motion that says ‘notwithstanding the Fixed Term Parliaments Act’, there will be a vote on 15 October…His defeat wasn’t a surprise, and there will be another vote next week after the Lords has finished debating the extension legislation. And that’s the vote we need to keep an eye out for…”

Tabling in the U.K. means submitting a motion for a vote by lawmakers, the opposite of its meaning here in the U.S.

Boris Johnson promised that Brexit Day would occur on October 31 with or without a deal, but now that seems out the window.

Johnson was kind of wishy-washy on Brexit before influentially endorsing it relatively late in the game before the June 23, 2016 referendum in which voters decided to separate from the EU. Perhaps this parliamentary betrayal will make him more committed to a no-deal Brexit.

There are many technical procedural maneuvers in the U.K. legislature to come that appear very arcane to those of us on this side of the Atlantic, so stay tuned, as a snap election still appears likely.

The Deep State Digs In

Writing an article yesterday called “Chaos in UK Parliament as Globalists From Both Parties Attempt to Block PM Johnson’s Brexit, “at The Last Refuge website, “Sundance” cogently sized up the entire mess:

“All of the elitist political masks are dropping today in Great Britain.  The UniParty within British Parliament is on full display.
Globalist members of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party crossed lines to vote with the globalists in the Labour party in a scheme to stop the U.K. from leaving the European Union. The minority Labour Party, led by Jeremy Corbyn, developed a plan to stop any ‘No Deal’ exit from the EU by passing a law that required the U.K. (PM Johnson) to have a deal with the European Union in order to fulfill the Brexit referendum…

“Overall it is once again a political scheme, run by elitists, to stop the people within Britain from removing politicians who want to remain in the EU.  Brexiteers -vs- Globalists.

“If a Snap election were held, Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage would rally the British people to remove the globalists in both parties. The Snap election would likely wipe-out the Remain/Globalist assembly in both Labour and Conservative parties. This would then force a no-deal Brexit, and Great Britain would finally be out of the EU.  So Jeremy Corbyn cannot allow a Snap election until after he can get the ‘no-deal law’ passed…”

Sundance goes to draw a parallel between what’s going in London and how the U.S. open-borders, crony capitalist political and media establishment fights tooth and nail against U.S. President Donald Trump’s reform-oriented, populist agenda.


The Brexit party is essentially the MAGA coalition.

The Conservative party is essentially the GOPe Republicans.

The Labour party is essentially the Democrats.

“What is happening in the U.K. is essentially the same uprising happening all over the globe.  Nationalists, the ordinary middle-class (i.e., Trump voters), are rising-up and confronting the elitist-minded Globalists.

“In an effort to remain in power, the globalists are furiously working all kinds of schemes to fend-off the nationalists.  The schemes, many of them funded by multinationals and lobbyists defending their financial stakes, include uniting with the socialist elite.

“Globalism writ large requires Big Government, central planning, and full control of systems by political elites. Socialism requires exactly the same structure.  Through globalism you have multinational corporations, financial elites, making rules for the underclass. Socialism requires the exact same top-down distribution process…

“Individual Freedom -vs- Socialist Authoritarianism.
Nationalism -vs- Globalism
Main Street -vs- Wall Street.
Ultimately it’s all the same fight…”

Brexit Party leader and European Parliament Member Nigel Farage reviewed today’s disturbing events on his LBC radio show:

Again, check back for Brexit updates.

Update: The Remainer-dominated parliament has passed a law blocking a no-deal Brexit as well as rejecting Johnson’s call for a snap election. Johnson still insists that October 31 will be Brexit Day. Is his next move to “go wobbly” and try to win approval for Theresa May’s BRINO or will he actually attempt to get to a clean-break Brexit? Or will the EU reopen negotiations with Team Boris for a different deal?

[Featured image credit: U.K. government, Wikimedia Commons, Open Government Licence v3.0]