The Most Annoying Word or Phrase Is…
It’s been a tough year for everyone on many levels, but as this blog also inquired last year at this time, what word or words that gained currency or continued to in 2020 get on your nerves the most?
News and commentary: progress in work
It’s been a tough year for everyone on many levels, but as this blog also inquired last year at this time, what word or words that gained currency or continued to in 2020 get on your nerves the most?
What word or words grind your gears the most? Based on a random landline and mobile phone survey of about 1,700 adults, the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, a.k.a. the Marist Poll, determined that the dismissive “whatever” is the most annoying word or phrase in casual conversation for the 11th consecutive year.
Hollywood scandals have been part of American culture since the early days of silent films. Everyone knows that the entertainment industry is decadent, but perhaps there is a new dimension to the depravity.
At year’s end, this blog discussed an extremely bothersome if not perhaps stomach-turning conversational technique known as uptalk or upspeak which has spread like an epidemic. It’s like chalk on a blackboard (assuming blackboards still exist). You’ve heard it all over television and radio even from broadcast professionals and the speech pattern has unfortunately seeped into day-to-day life. This is the tendency for a speaker to end a simple declarative clause or sentence as if it is a question.
Kate Smith’s stirring recorded rendition of “God Bless America” is now deleted from the playlist at Yankees or Philadelphia Flyers games owing to racism accusations. Smith even sang in person on several occasions during Flyers playoff runs. The NHL team, which considered Smith’s singing, either on tape or in person, its good luck charm, has has even covered over a Smith statute outside the team’s home arena at the Wells Fargo Center.
The English language provides a beautiful way to communicate, but we could do without a few of its words, right? With New Year’s Eve upon us, the Marist Poll has revealed its list of most annoying words for 2018. It’s also that time of the season for the 2018 words of the year.
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