Canada is headed to a national election on October 21, and apparently the Liberals and the “Conservatives” seem to be in a close contest. The situation took a turn this week, however, that may affect the outcome.
The country’s pampered progressive prince, legacy Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, appeared in blackface on several occasions, for which he has apologized. Trudeau, an empty suit if there ever was one, is the same politician who has accused the Conservatives and others on the right of being soft on white supremacy.
As a thought experiment, imagine the outcry if Trudeau was the Conservative leader.
In an editorial, the New York Post addressed the situation very succinctly:
“Justin Trudeau turns out to be even more of a vapid idiot than we’d thought. But what price will he pay for his idiocy? Canada’s ultraprogressive prime minister stands exposed as having donned black- or brownface at least three times in his younger years — the most recent occasion apparently being in 2001, at age 29…
“Of course, he can’t claim that, bad as it looks now, people didn’t see donning blackface as such an invariably, horribly racist sin back then: Too much of the left spent too many days last year demanding Megyn Kelly’s scalp simply because she’d made that observation — even though she never actually donned the offensive makeup. She also apologized, on air and with tears — but still lost her job.
‘Then again, the rules seem to be different for liberal sinners: Virginia’s Democratic governor and lieutenant gov both held on after their younger-days blackface photos surfaced.
“To us, this is mainly just fresh proof that Trudeau is a phony — a chameleon whose current perfect-PCness is a pose in pursuit of popularity and power. But is it worth his resignation? No. This scandal will simply be one more thing for Canadian voters to take into account in their coming elections, where polls already had him in trouble.
“We can’t let ‘cancel culture’ overtake all — shaming people for past actions to the point that they get kicked off social media or, worse, lose their jobs. The greater sin is that many liberals use such tactics to get rid of those they don’t like, while fellow travelers get let off the hook. Will they be outraged equally and fairly, or turn such incidents into witch hunts? We already know the answer. You can win mercy when you generally say all the right (i.e., left) things and vote or govern accordingly….”
While also referencing how the media echo chamber treated Megyn Kelly, FNC’s Tucker Carlson also delivered an excellent editorial (see clip below) in which he pointed out that social justice rules, that are often enforced by virtue-signaling phonies like Justin Trudeau, don’t apply to the left. And there may be more photos of Trudeau to emerge.
Writes opinion columnist Robyn Urback on the CBC website:
“It is almost too obvious now to point out the rank hypocrisy of the Trudeau brand…One that renounces the politics of fear and division, except when the politics of fear and division can be politically advantageous. And one that has spent its entire political existence proselytizing about tolerance, inclusivity, sensitivity and acceptance, all the while knowing — and hiding — a past that includes multiple instances of dressing up in blackface.. When you run on sanctimony, govern on arrogance and expect perfection, you find yourself in an awful quandary when you fall short of your own standards…”
Adds Peter M. D’Abrosca at LauraLoomer.US:
“Trudeau, who self-identifies as a male feminist (it’s always the male feminists who are overcompensating for something), is a far-leftist, loves ‘social justice,’ and constantly derides ‘racism’ and other such racial bigotry that doesn’t really exist on any meaningful scale, simply in order to score political points. He’s hammered political opponents as ‘racists.’ In fact, it’s been one of his most effective tools of forwarding his far-left political agenda.
“This is the same guy who has lost count of how many times he’s worn blackface in his life…”
As the late New York City radio talk show pioneer Bob Grant often observed, particularly in issues about race, liberals are the ultimate hypocrites.