#Blexit founder Candace Owens is a magnificent spokesperson for the pro-Trump, populist movement. Unfortunately, she went down the same senseless path as Ben Shapiro recently did by making a wholly unnecessary mention of the H word. By now, everyone should realize that liberal blue-check Twitter is going to immediately pounce on any high-profile conservative’s use of the H word, as Lou Dobbs alluded to in the clip below. As this blog previously pointed out with Shapiro, it doesn’t matter if the fake news media takes the use of the H word out of context. That’s what the fake news media does, as do the social justice warriors on anti-social media.
With her remarks going viral, the Turning Point USA communications director cut a four-minute video in which she clarified her statements that were made as part of a discussion about nationalism.
When a firestorm occurs over a remark in politics, and you — or your supporters — are explaining or clarifying, you’re already losing.
Owens’ remarks came during a speech in the U.K. Turning Point just opened a sorely need chapter in Britain, where academia has deteriorated into a venue for left-wing indoctrination, just like here.
On Friday, Sen. Cory “Spartacus” Booker, a disingenuous panderer who is running for president, absurdly compared the effort to implement the theoretical “Green New Deal” with fighting Nazis. Keep in mind that he’s a Democrat, so there was very little scrutiny of this comment by the blue-check set.
Dobbs Cautions Candace
While Fox Business host Lou Dobbs might not be the most effective communicator himself, he gave Owens some important input last night about knocking off the references to the H word.
“In this business, it’s a very simple thing–the news business. Anybody who brings up Hitler loses, Every single time. So if you’re looking for a metaphor, take it from the old guy. Find another metaphor.”
Owens, fortunately, agreed to take Dobbs’ advice, adding that “I’ve learned my lesson,” acknowledging that moving forward she needs to be “extra careful.”
The source of the controversy is not her words. Instead it’s that “the left has me as a major target because I have been effective at delivering conservative principles to the black American community,” she added.
“I’m the number one target because I am leading a revolution called Blexit which is going to encourage black Americans to finally look at the real history, the very racist history of the Democrat Party, which has not served us,” Candace Owens explained to Lou Dobbs.
Similarly, history has also demonstrated that those identified as conservatives should never make insensitive, tone-deaf comments about abortion or rape.
In this excellent interview with Evie Magazine, the former YouTube star observed, among other things, that “Cultural ineptitude, in my opinion, is political futility.”