It’s difficult to believe that anyone actually watches The View. For those who follow the media industry, it’s probably a matter of just hearing about the latest cat fight on the dreary ABC daytime talk show and then checking out the clip on social media.

The highly politicized morning program is notable for its continual turnover. Getting a job as a co-host seems to require one credential only, though, or at least that credential is essential. You must hate President Donald Trump. That’s a given for the virtue-signaling liberals, of course, who dominate the desk.

For a token conservative or Republican interested in submitting a resume, be advised: you must also hate Trump.

A former Democrat and independent, Trump mingled with celebrities and they with him during his long career as a real estate mogul and reality TV star on the Apprentice. It was all good then.

The View Crew

Suffering what Tucker Carlson has described as the woke virus, The View ladies shill for any left-wing cause and any Democrat while pushing a tedious anti-Trump narrative. Dissenting opinions, especially those that oppose impeachment, are seldom allowed.

When she took the gig, Meghan McCain — who is a big Joe Biden fan — probably and naively thought that she could avoid being abused by the mean-girl liberals based on her Never Trump status.

It hasn’t worked out that way. The progressive panel has bullied her, as they have her predecessors.

There is a saying in the financial space that past performance is no guarantee of future results, but on The View, it usually holds true.

Most of the conservative voices on The View have been lackluster communicators, which may be part of the problem, intentional or otherwise.

Bitter arguments have broken out among the current View cast, and according to a lot of the reporting, there is a lot of acrimony behind the scenes too, with McCain’s co-hosts allegedly not being on speaking terms with her.

Meghan McCain denies this, but The View seems like a toxic work environment. How long before she bails or is asked to leave, however this kind of drama would be orchestrated?

Moreover, the entertainment industry is a fundamentally phony environment, with a long history of on-camera people hating each other privately.

The View is Not for You

Any right-of-center guest — or even a liberal like Alan Dershowitiz — who appears on the show must be prepared to be shouted down. Dershowitz’s mistreatment prompted this commentary from Tucker Carlson:

Meghan McCain apparently got into off-air, non-political shouting match with “conservative” Abby Huntsman, who recently left the show. McCain claimed they’re still friends, and that the media “weaponized” their quarrel.

Incidentally, once Huntsman exited Fox News for a job on The View, she decided that Trump was dragging the country into a constitutional crisis.

Both Huntsman and McCain are legacy hires. Huntsman is the daughter of the former, and perhaps future, Utah governor.

Meghan is Outnumbered

Meghan McCain used to make a lot of sense when she also worked for FNC as a panelist on Outnumbered. Now that she’s really outnumbered on The View, she seems no longer capable, based on the clips anyway, of formulating a coherent, convincing political case, which may be a function of Never Trumperism.

That hard feelings exist between Trump and the McCain family is completely understandable. Trump made a crass, wholly inappropriate joke, if you call it that, about Meghan’s beloved father, Sen. John McCain, not being a war hero. There might be other reasons for her disdain for Trump.

Along with many in the GOP establishment, John McCain was not a fan of the Trump candidacy. Moreover, while he was still in office, McCain withheld his decisive vote for the Obamacare repeal at the last minute (despite a campaign promise), which ticked Trump off bigly.

The president and the late senator also disagreed about Mideast policy; McCain wanted to drag the U.S. into another military quagmire in that part of the world.

Related story: John McCain’s Hero Status Only Recently Discovered by the Media

Never Trumpers perhaps like Meghan McCain somehow can’t bring themselves to admit that while they may find the president’s personality and/or his rhetoric offensive, his polices have made America much more prosperous and safe.

Indeed, Trump is probably the only president in recent memory that actually fulfilled many of his campaign promises, despite the fierce obstructionism of the Democrats, some Republicans, the Deep State and other assorted swamp creatures, the mainstream media, and Obama federal court judges.

The president has implemented policies that the Never Trumpers supposedly spent their entire careers championing.

Parenthetically, the Trump administration has done a commendable job in incrementally getting rid of some of Obamacare’s worst provisions.

Trump Derangement Syndrome for Cash

President Trump has exposed so many of the these “principled” Republicans, so called, as anything-for-a-buck grifters, with John Bolton as the latest example of those who put the “con” in conservative.

The View is considering replacing Huntsman with S.E. Cupp. The CNN commentator purports to be libertarian.

Guess what: She hates Trump.

The Media’s Definition of Diversity

In an article unrelated to The View for Real Clear Politics, Mark Hemingway, offered this observation about the Never Trump voices:

Outside of the Beltway, Republicans and conservatives steadfastly opposed to Trump are a small minority – more than 90% of Republicans approve of the president. Yet, judging by the column inches and TV appearances being doled out, NeverTrump Republicans might be the most overrepresented demographic in America. Nearly 63 million Americans voted for the man, and it’s an indictment of the media that they are unwilling or unable to find anyone who speaks for them.