This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights, Commentary, and Social Media Activity
An On Patrol: Live recap including NYC studio host Dan Abrams’ puns, analysis, and banter with co-anchor Curtis Wilson (a Richland County, S.C., deputy sheriff), and Captain Tom Rizzo (Howell Township, N.J., PD) along with the often-snarky or playful social media reaction, follows.
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Noteworthy in this episode were two domestic incidents, several serious traffic accidents, and one overdose during an otherwise routine traffic stop. Scroll below for details.
For background information about the documentary series On Patrol: Live (i.e., Live PD 2.0), that airs on the Reelz channel (which is available, e.g., on the Peacock and FreeCast streaming services and on some satellite and cable systems ), click here.
And click here for information on the Live PD vs. OPL lawsuit settlement.
On Patrol: Live Summary for December 20, 2024 (#OPL Episode 03-43)

- St. Lucie County, Fla. — Sheriff Keith Pearson, Dep. Sydney Jenkins, and other units respond to a car stuck on railroad tracks. Deputies are able to stop an oncoming train. Although one of the LEOS claims to smell alcohol on the driver’s person, the driver denies drinking and says “the roads are screwed up.” Per OPL host Dan Abrams, the driver is arrested after the traffic unit administers field sobriety testing. A flat bed arrives on scene to tow the vehicle.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — The Maher brothers (Lt. Richie and Sgt. Chris) conduct a friendly traffic stop for alleged speeding (Lt. Maher: “You were going entirely too fast…you don’t got to tell me you got a heavy foot — I saw you had a heavy foot…how’s your night going besides?”) and subsequently release the driver with a warning.
- Richland County, S.C. — Master Dep. Collins Harper initiates a traffic stop and issues a citation for an expired tag. Abrams: “It seems that the owner of this vehicle was not driving it, but is now on the scene.” The deputy explains to the owner that if he resolves the registration issue, the ticket will likely be dismissed (“hopefully he comes to court with it fixed, and everyone’s happy”). “And clean your back window too…it’s kind of nasty.” Abrams: “Just one of a number reasons why it’s important to get your car washed.,..”
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — On a traffic stop, Lt. Maher jokes with the occupants during a discussion about language ability that “I speak English and bad English.” Another cop administers field sobriety testing on the driver who winds up getting arrested. A third officer on scene translates. Beer cans found in the vehicle, the latter which is being towed.
- Toledo, Ohio — Ofrs. Jordan Freimark and Cherokee Tabb make contact with some individuals in a park on a report of alleged reckless driving/racing. The subjects are shooting a music video. Social media details not provided. Cops advise them that the park is technically closed at dusk and they should complete the filming. OPL caption: “Rapper still anonymous.” Abrams: “And now they’ve got some additional video for their video of the police arriving with a video camera.”
Ofr. Freimark recap: “So we got a call that there was two cars racing…we made contact with people. They’ve been real cool and cooperative. They said they were just shooting a music video. We did advise them that after dark, that the park’s closed, but they said they’re gonna wrap it up very soon. So we said they can finish it up as long as they’re not racing or potentially gonna harm themselves or anybody else. We’re gonna leave them be so they can finish up their music video…”
- St. Lucie County, Fla. — Sheriff Pearson responds to a traffic accident and investigates on scene. The Fire Department also responds to the location.
- Humboldt County, Calif. — Dep. Frankie Rojas spots a potentially stolen truck that is abandoned in a wooded area. Sgt. Shane Steele arrives on scene as backup. Rojas/Steele comments. Dep. Rojas explains that “doesn’t look like we’re seeing anything that is gonna show us who might have stole the vehicle, but if I had to guess, I would say that it’s probably someone in a camp over here.” St. Steele adds that “so he’s recovered the stolen car. No evidence of who the thief is. I can’t tell if it’s drivable or not, because there’s a key in the ignition, which I suspect is probably not the appropriate key for the car, because it’s locked in there. So, he’s gonna get a hold of the owner, let them know their car’s recovered, and they can come retrieve it. If they’re not available, then we contact the tow company, and it will be towed, and the owner will be contacted to retrieve their vehicle from there.”
- Triple Play #1 — a Milwaukee, Wisc., pursuit.
- Monroe, La. — Cpl. Jonathon Daniel makes a friendly traffic stop on a pickup truck for allegedly running a stop sign.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Sgt. Selina Puentes makes a traffic stop on a vehicle that ran a stop sign and may have a headlight out. The driver, says her license is at home and seems somewhat unfamiliar with the standard registration and insurance documents. “To be honest, this is my first time being pulled over, and I recognize you from On Patrol Live.” Sgt. Puentes: “Do you know what a registration likes like?” Motorist: “Like, kind of…” Abrams: “You’d think someone who watched this show might know what a registration looks like, but you never know.”
“…I recognize you from On Patrol Live.”
- St. Lucie County, Fla. — Dep. Jenkins and other units investigate a possible domestic incident that allegedly involves a subject throwing a brick or another object through a window. OPL caption: “Investigating painted rock throw.” A garrulous man is detained at the scene. Bleeping. Abrams: “I’m confused now about the relationships involved here. I thought this was ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend, and that maybe the other guy was new boyfriend. But they seem to still be in love…and that’s what she said, and somebody threw a rock through the window, and it looks like he’s being arrested, although we don’t know for sure. He’s just being detained at this point. We shall see.”
- Knox County, Tenn. — Ofr. Dalton Swanger responds to a 911 hang-up at a residence. “So that’s what we thought it was. It was a big family gathering. Kids playing with cell phones, and obviously everybody in there is okay. They’re all drinking hot chocolate and laughing, so that’s what that was.”
- Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpls. Brandon Williams and Devante Smith respond to a domestic incident at an apartment complex in which a man was allegedly stabbed. Paramedics also respond. OPL caption: “Report of stabbing.” A female claims in the alternative that a male hit her in the eye and then stabbed himself. After an investigation, the female is taken into custody.
Listen to some of the interaction between Cpl. Williams and the woman as well as an interim summary from Cpl. Smith who indicates the victim had a “pretty deep laceration” to his chest but he’ll be okay. Abrams: “Obviously they still have some questions to answer here.”:
Cpl. Williams recap: “So we responded here for a domestic dispute. I actually responded to him multiple times. I’ve tried to help the suspect today when she was the victim, trying to get her help. She kind of declined that help. So tonight, I guess you want to take matters into her own hands. So she’s gonna go to jail for domestic violence first, high and aggravated nature. The victim — I guess he’s on his way to the hospital….but due to the nature of the crime in the state of South Carolina, we take domestic violence very seriously because we have a domestic situation. And on top of that, with that weapon being involved, even if the victim or the suspect didn’t want to…if it was mutual, and they didn’t want to prosecute, due to the nature of the crime, the state’s gonna prosecute. So right now, she’s gonna be placed under arrest for that…hopefully, this is a learning lesson, and they kind of separate.”
“[Even if ] they didn’t want to prosecute, due to the nature of the crime, the state’s gonna prosecute.”
- Monroe, La. — Cpl. Daniel subdues a bicyclist who ran from him. Other members of the High Enforcement Apprehension Team (HEAT) squad provide backup. Drugs allegedly found. The subject, who is arrested, apparently got out of jail two days previous.
Listen to a recap of the incident from Cpl. Kelsie Wilson in which he points out that “beans” is the street name for ecstasy pills:
- Richland County, S.C. — Dep. Harper initiates a traffic stop on a vehicle allegedly traveling at 95 mph in a 60-mph zone. “That’s really unacceptable.” Ticket issued. At the end of the stop, the deputy mentions that “Slow it down. It ain’t worth it. See if you were going the speed limit, you’d already be there by now. But at least you got to meet me…”
Listen to the deputy’s friendly but firm interaction with the apologetic motorist (“is something on fire?…trying to…be a NASCAR driver or something?”).
Deputy Harper later in the stop tells the motorist, who allegedly had six previous speeding tickets, that “since this is the season of giving, here is a citation for you…” Abrams: “It’s a big number. Hard to just give her a warning on a 95 in a 60.” OPL studio analyst Tom Rizzo: “And he made a good point. Her insurance is gonna be maybe a reminder that she slows it down the next time.”
- Knox County, Tenn. — Ofr. Swanger and other units investigate a shots-fired call in a residential area and gather information from a witness as well as from a couple who didn’t hear anything. Abrams: “We are around Christmas. I can’t not comment on Mr. Kringle and potentially Mrs. Claus…I’m just saying.”
Omg they woke Santa from his workshop in Knox County #OPnation#OPLive #Reelz
— 🧜🏻♀️Ri Mongolozo💜💕 (@rimongolozo) December 21, 2024
- St. Lucie County, Fla. — Sheriff Pearson and other units to the scene of a pickup truck that crashed into a house. OPL caption: “Truck vs. house.” The sheriff searches the area for the driver who fled the scene. Fort Pierce PD subsequently detains a possible suspect nearby. Sheriff Pearson makes contact with the homeowners and then addresses the OPL camera:: “…just definitely ruins your Christmas, having a car drive through your house…he’s in custody, and he’ll be held accountable for his actions.” Abrams: “The good news is they found him, but that’s gonna be some serious damage to that house for those folks”
- Triple Play #2 — a Williamson County, Ill, vehicle with a brake failure.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Lt. Maher, with Sgt. Maher as backup, makes a traffic stop on a truck with a passenger who allegedly tossed something, apparently ice, that hit the front of the lieutenant’s patrol car. Lt. Maher: “He’s saying it’s unintentional…I don’t believe a word he’s saying. Don’t see any damage to my truck…” Maher goes to say that “I’m gonna do what’s called a field interview on him. I can’t prove he intentionally did it. His story sounds like a load of sh*t to me…that he was dancing and a cup of ice came flying out of his window…” Lt. Maher admonishes the apologetic young man, and the vehicle is released. “It’s just ice. No one got hurt, but he’s gonna go home for the night and take a load off.” Abrams: “Pricey truck they got there, too.” Rizzo: “Gorgeous. Hopefully it doesn’t get hit by ice.”
After an airing of the replay of the incident footage, the OPL studio panel banters about Vanilla Ice (‘ice ice baby”) and Foreigner (“cold as ice”):
- Berkeley County, S.C. (pre-recorded segment) — Cpls. Rachel Salka, Dylan Lee, with other units a backup initiates what started out as a routine traffic stop for a brake light out. The driver, however, allegedly swallows drugs. Cpl. Lee: “Spit it out before you have an overdose.” Deputies repeatedly tell the man to spit it out. Narcan administered. Paramedics summoned to the scene. Cpl. Lee: “He’ll be getting booked on possession with intent to distribute fentanyl and possession of methamphetamine.” Abrams: “The guy was transported to the hospital, spent two days there before being medically cleared and taken to jail. No additional contraband was found.”
- Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpl. Smith responds to a motorcycle accident that may be the result, according to a witness, of a hit and run by a car. Good Samaritans also help out on scene. First aid administered to the biker who is on the ground in the road with a broken forearm. Paramedics respond to the scene which fortunately is directly across the street from a hospital. Cpl. Williams indicates that “we’ll try to see if we can to locate the other driver that possibly hit him and try to narrow it down.” Abrams: “So some conflicting accounts there about whether he was hit by another car or whether he lost control.” Investigation ongoing.
Listen to Cpl. Smith’s recap of this incident:
- Humboldt County, Calif. — Dep. Rojas responds to a noise complaint/disturbance involving a male on foot who is shouting and search the area for a subject. Dep. Rojas recap: “The report is of a male screaming about a stolen bike and banging on people’s doors and vehicles as they’re driving by. It’s unclear if it’s vehicles as they’re driving by or if the person saw this as they were driving by, and the last time the male was seen was at the intersection…so we’re basically gonna go patrol check the area, see if we can’t find something. We don’t have any additional descriptors other than the fact that it’s a male running around yelling.”
- Knox County, Tenn. — Ofr. Tyler Jauch makes a traffic stop on a slow roller allegedly for running a red light. The motorist is released with a warning.
- Monroe, La. — Cpl. Daniel chases a man on foot and subdues him outside a motel. Additional HEAT officers arrive on scene and Mirandize the subject who claims he ran because he was scared and possibly faces a resisting charge Among other things, a pellet gun is allegedly found.
Listen to Cpl. Wilson summarize the incident:
Serenity couldn’t decide if a gadget they found in this guys backpack was a lighter or a butt plug lol!! 😂
— Kendra Leoni (@BellaKendra) December 21, 2024
Update Monroe, LA – The guy in the white & Black track suit who tried to run had meth on him #OPLive #OPLive #OPNation #OPLiveNation @ReelzChannel @OfficialOPLive
— Beverly (@BevLawson2017) December 22, 2024
- Richland County, S.C. — Dep. Harper initiates a traffic stop for an unspecified reason.