This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights
On Patrol: Live — i.e., Live PD 2.0 — premiered on the Reelz channel in July 2022 and generally follows the same basic format as its A&E network predecessor in which videographers accompany cops on night patrol in real time.
About 50 On Patrol: Live cameras go iton the field with the law enforcement officers during the ride-along on Friday and Saturday evenings.
An On Patrol: Live recap follows.
NOTE: See Disclaimer below.
On Patrol: Live Summary for February 3, 2023 (#OPL Episode 01-53)
- Beech Grove, Ind. — Cops detain couple outside Walmart allegedly driving a stolen U-Haul truck. While on the scene, officers are dispatched to assist loss prevention with an alleged Walmart shoplifter. Sgt. Nathan Rinks: “Friday night at Walmart.” Female occupant of truck has warrant; she allegedly didn’t complete community service because she just got out of rehab. Male party released. Vehicle searched. Sgt. Zach Horgan: “There’s nothing of really any value or or danger to anyone else” in the truck, The parties permitted to remove any personal possession. Vehicle returned to U-Haul.
Sgt. Rinks: “Loss prevention here kind of got into a tangle with someone who stole some items, and she also had some meth amphetamine on her unfortunately. But we’re so busy on a Friday night, and she’s got three kids. I think he’s trying to get her calmed down so that he can just write her a couple of tickets, and send her on her way, which hopefully will be the best way to do it, because she just doesn’t want to go to jail on a Friday night, especially with three kids with her. So hopefully she’s calmed down; and he’s got the drugs and…anything else on her. He’ll be able to issue her a couple of summons and send her on her way. We’ll head back [and]see if we can help out with the stolen vehicle.”
Sgt. Horgan: “There’s nothing of really any value or danger to anyone else.”
- Richland County, S.C. — Deputies respond to report of man who was allegedly pistol whipped in face at gas station. Cpl. Bryce Hughes interviews victim. Hughes and other deputies search area for suspect.
- Berkeley County, S.C. — Deputies respond to domestic incident. Male and female arguing. Lots of the shouting mostly by the male is bleeped out. Family member tries to calm down the irate man and take him home.
- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. — Belligerent man arrested at convenience store for public intoxication. Officer Matt Derenick. “Unfortunately, that’s one of our regulars. He is heavily, heavily intoxicated. He is gonna actually go down to our station right now, hang out with us for six to eight hours and sober up, and then we’ll release him in the morning. ” Studio host Dan Abrams: “Seems that ‘regular’ will take a little time to sleep it off.”
- Nye County, Nev. — Traffic stop on pickup truck with expired plates. If his lesson checks out okay, driver will be released with warning.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Cops investigate vehicle on side of the road. Turns out the occupants are just gathering firewood (to build a plane?). Officers provide recommendations as to where they can find more wood. Abrams jokes that hopefully cops won’t get any reports of someone “chopping down trees in a public park.”
- Nye County, Nev, (pre-recorded segment). — Abrams introduces the incident that involves yellowing and screaming and “mudslinging.” It will be left up to the local prosecutor to determine who, between the male (whose face is covered with mud) and the female, was the alleged aggressor. Co-host Sean Larkin: “It kind of blew me away that he didn’t wipe that off at all. But you see the type of difficulties we have trying to sort out a domestic, when you got two different parties with conflicting stories. Both people are upset. And sometimes you just have to get it to the court, and let them settle it there. Co-host Curtis Wilson: “In the meantime, when he shows up, his complexion may be better.”
- Richland County, S.C. — Traffic stop. Driver informs Cpl. Hughes that he has a gun in the glove compartment. Hughes, who is grateful that the driver informed her about the firearm, says she is trying to expedite the stop if everything checks out so that the driver can go to the bathroom ASAP.
- Volusia County, Fla. — Deputies respond to disturbance residence. Male allegedly threw a beer can and salad at a female during argument. Deputies interview each party to to get their side of the story.
- Nye County, Nev. (pre-recorded segment) — Abrams: “This guy was really full of crap.” Deputies arrest naked male in desert — who already has a warrant for indecent exposure from neighboring county — for alleged indecent exposure. One of the deputies observes that sober people usually don’t poop in public. Larkin: “When you are out there, typically you have to watch out for stepping on scorpions, rattlesnakes, things like that. This is something else that’s been added to look out for…”
- Beech Grove, Ind. — Cops respond to 911 call at apartment complex. Woman there says man needs an ambulance. While officers are assisting that man, another man from a neighboring apartment comes out an demands that cops get the first man out. Officers keep asking him to relax while they attend to the first man but he winds up detained.
Abrams: “I wrote in my notes, ‘look at the way they’re de-escalating. They weren’t yelling. They were calmly just asking him to go back in, go back in. He’s yelling and screaming at them. They’re very calmly [saying] ‘look, we’re taking care of it, we’re working on it,’ et cetera. Wilson: “He wouldn’t stop. The patience, the tolerance, the being cordial with this guy, none of that worked with him…They had no choice but to go ahead a nd put him in cuffs. Whether they get him for public intoxication, whether they get him for disorderly conduct. But that didn’t even have to happen if he just would have went inside and let them handle the job. Larkin: “He chose to put himself involved in this, which he had no reason to do whatsoever…obstruction is another [possible charge]…they’re out there on a call. They’re dealing with a problem. It’s a safety issue even for the officers as well as the citizen…they were beyond patient.”
Sgt. Rinks: “So we’re dealing with one drunk, trying to get an ambulance for him that has apparently pissed off apartment one. Then gentlemen in apartment two who is very obviously drunk, came out angry that we weren’t dealing with the other drunk in a timely manner. So we tried to alleviate the situation by taking drunk number one out of the apartment building, and when I tried to go up the stairs, the guy is just like right behind. It’s not comfortable…he just kept closing distance, so finally I just pulled my baton…He’s so drunk. All he has to do is go back in his apartment and just be done with it, but he’s just so angry, you can’t even reason with him. And so he’s probably gonna get locked up, too.”
Abrams: “As you can imagine, a very difficult situation to put Sgt. Rinks in there as he’s trying to balance two situations, neither of which make a whole lot of sense.”
- Richland County, S.C. — Deputies pursue fleeing reckless-driving vehicle going approximately 100 mph.
- Nye County, Nev. (pre-recorded segment) — Deputies investigate a report of a toddler who appeared to be brandishing a shotgun at a residence. Parent says all they have are Nerf guns. Complainant provides deputies with picture of weapon in question. Deputies allegedly find unloaded shotgun in window well of house which they confiscate. No charges at this time; child protective services will be notified. DNA testing to be performed on weapon to try to determine if it allegedly belonged to parents.
- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. — Cops investigate upon a report of shots fired in residential neighborhood.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Traffic stop; driver allegedly has warrant. Driver says he has already paid a court fine. Sgt. Richie Maher says he will confirm the warrant, which is apparently for failure to appear in court. Pills allegedly found in car; officers will try to determine if they are prescription meds.
- Wanted segment — Alleged carjacker in Volusia County, Fla.
- Berkeley County, S.C. — Traffic stop; driver with some fresh tacos has warrant.
- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. — Traffic stop outside pizza parlor. Driver has a warrant. Car search; drugs allegedly found.
- Richland County, S.C. — Traffic stop at gas station/convenience store; lights infraction. Drugs of various kinds allegedly found throughout vehicle which had two occupant plus a 15-month-old baby.. Capt. Danny Brown allegedly initially spotted weed in plain view and conducted a car search. Capt. Danny Brown: “It’s ridiculous what we’re finding in this car right now.”
Cpl. Hughes: “This is obviously very alarming and really upsetting to see, but the charges that are gonna come as a result of this are gonna be possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana, as well as possession with the intent to distribute meth amphetamine, and an unlawful conduct towards a child charge because the child was in the vehicle with a significant amount of drugs, and that definitely puts the child at risk. We do have a family member coming for the child, and we’re gonna make sure that the child is in a safe and responsible environment for the rest of the evening and going forward. Obviously, that’s very important, and that’s our top priority right now.”
- Crime of the Night — High-speed pursuit of fleeing truck that involves multiple PIT maneuvers. Driver, who was operating a vehicle with suspended license and no insurance, is eventually apprehended and faces a slew of charges.
- Volusia County, Fla. — Deputies respond to noise complaint. Homeowner in garage told to turn down the volume of the music.
- Richland County, S.C. (pre-recorded segment) — Deputies respond to suspicious activity on neighbor’s porch. Upon arrival, several men flee on foot; one or more fled in a car from which they bailed in a few blocks. Guns and drugs allegedly found in abandoned car. The police lab will perform a DNA test on hat that was found in car. Once identified, warrants will be issued for all suspects.
- Spotsylvania County, Va. — Traffic stop; for alleged erratic driving. Deputy Tristan Burnett asks driver to “be real with me, man.” Driver admits to drinking one beer. He passes field sobriety testing, and Burnett releases him, saying he is good to drive.
- Missing segment — Queens, NYC.
On Patrol: Live Summary for February 4, 2023 (#OPL Episode 01-54)
- Spotsylvania County, Va. — Deputies respond to overdose call at motel. Man is on the floor of motel room. Graphic: “Three doses of Narcan administered.” EMTs called to scene.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Officers respond to report a fight at convenience store. One man detained. Another left before cops arrived. Unclear who is the primary aggressor. One of the men is to be trespassed from location. Sgt. Maher and other officers search on foot for a man allegedly carrying a log who is bleeding from the face. Graphic: “Evening wood search.” During the search, Maher encounters an older man on a bike who falls over (“you almost ate the concrete”). The man is allegedly intoxicated. Maher tries to convince the older man that he is concerned about his well being and is not trying to arrest him. EMTS called to the scene. Maher: “If he can’t care for himself, he’ll be going with one of the officers and/or an ambulance to the hospital, and sobering up.” Unclear if cops every located the man with the log.
- Richland County. S.C. — Cpl. Kenny Fitzsimmons and other deputies responds to report of an assault in a confusing situation. He interviews witnesses who have conflicting stories, including one who he says is not making sense. Fitzsimmons: “That’s why — a full moon.”
- Spotsylvania County, Va. — Deputies respond to report of a fight in progress in or near a parking lot involving two groups. Incident involves a lot of yelling and bleeping and dispute over who prompted the confrontation. One man has a hole in his cheek, prompting an arrest of another man who allegedly admitted to an assault. Deputy Jessica Delage calmly explains to the irate other side that deputies will file a detailed report identifying all parties, and they have the option of pressing charges too (“and we’ll be happy to take them into custody”), but that the law requires an initial arrest because of the man who suffered a injury. “The only reason we have to [make an arrest] is because he has a permanent injury to his face…I’m just telling you what the law says I can and can not do.” Abrams: “A tough situation for the cops here, because there’ s no doubt that there is evidence that the guy with the significant injury was assaulted, but the folks on the other side are saying that he started it, or effectively his side started it.” Wilson: “It will all come out in the wash in court pretty much.”
Deputy Burnett summary: “We responded to an assault in progress happening in the parking lot here with 10-plus people. We arrived here; the parties were arguing verbally with each other…essentially one male that lives in the upstairs apartment here — he has a malicious-wounding type injuries to his face. He has a hole in his upper mouth or side of his mouth on the left side of his face. You could see right through his cheek. So based off of that, we have one party that he remembered that assaulted him, and one party that was the same person that he remembered admitted to slugging him in the face multiple times. So he’s gonna be arrested for malicious wounding. Based on all the other complaints, the rest of the parties are gonna be able to go the magistrate’s office and take civil assault warrants if they choose to do so. In the state of Virginia, you can obtain misdemeanor warrants as a civilian yourself. So if they choose to do that, they can. It was an assault that didn’t occur in our presence.”
- Nye County, Nev. (pre-recorded segment) — Deputies make traffic stop on truck pulling a trailer in connection with a report of a possible armed carjacking. Driver is well-known to the deputies, and the whole thing might be a misunderstanding or false alarm. Deputies were unsuccessful in contacting complainant for clarification.
- Volusia County, Fla. — Traffic stop on motorcyclist. He has warrant for allegedly driving without a license or suspended license. Officer Jake Bissonnette: “Once we got him into custody, he did advise he had some meth amphetamine on him. So upon searching him, we obviously found a little bit of meth and a couple of pipes. So he’s gonna be going to jail today for the warrant and for possession of meth…and paraphernalia.” Officers allow the man to call his nephew to come and pick up the bike so it won’t be impounded. When nephew arrives on the scene, it turns out he has a warrant and is arrested. Nephew calls mom to pick up the bike, and when she arrives, officers determine she, too, has a warrant and is arrested. Officer Jake Bissonnette: “Sometimes you can’t make it up.” Bike is towed.
Bissonnette: “So the gentleman with the motorcycle is on his way to jail. His nephew comes up to get the bike. And nephew doesn’t have a license, and he’s got an open warrant from 2016. He’s under arrest; he’s going for the warrant. And I don’t even know what to say. Mom showed up on scene now, so we’ll talk to mom to see what’s going on…”
Bissonnette subsequently summarizes the trifecta. “I don’t even know what t say. Mom has a warrant, so we’re going to go ahead and get her secured too…we’ve got Daytona Beach fire and PD checking on her family, who she had some concerns about her husband’s health. It’s one of those weird things; normally, we got to go out and look for warrants. Now they just came trickling in tonight.”

Larkin: “My time on the streets, we had to go out and find people with warrants. They didn’t come to us.”
- Berkeley County, S.C. — Traffic stop. Driver appears nervous according to Deputy BJ Nelson. Driver allegedly admits to weed being present in center console. Pat down.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Officers respond to report of woman screaming in apartment building. Turns out she was scared by someone visiting a neighbor. One of the officers describes the situation as a “big misunderstanding.”
- Richland County, S.C. (pre-recorded segment) — Cpl. Fitzsimmons arrives at a bridge and grabs a 26-year-old man who was sitting on a ledge. In an emotional, heartfelt encounter, he sits down next to the younger man and attempts to establish rapport with the man by alluding to his PTSD challenges from military service. Dad and a female relative arrive at the scene. EMTS summoned but they are backed up, so dad drives his son to the hospital. Fitzsimmons gives a follow-up interview about the incident to the studio hosts.
Fitzsimmons: “When I first got on scene and I saw the gentleman sitting there, I didn’t want to startle him, so I approached him from kind of an angle, and got his attention. When he turned his head and looked at me, I just saw the pain in his face and the tears in his eyes. I asked him if he wanted to talk and he just shook his head no and looked back down toward the traffic. I knew what his intentions were. He didn’t want to talk about anything. So I positioned myself behind him…I was trying to get right in and hold on for dear life and pull him back and not accidentally bump him and push him forward…I still don’t know what was going through this gentleman’s head, but as you guys saw, I’ve been through a lot myself, so it’s pretty likely I could probably relate if I knew what his issue was, but sometimes it’s hard to communicate, it’s hard to talk about things, and I understand that…I’ve been through a lot; I’ve seen and done a lot, so I understand a lot of what people go through…when I’m talking to citizens on call or fellow deputies, a lot of deputies are [former] military as well, and like I told that gentleman on the bridge, we’ve all had our demons in our head. How we deal with them is how it affects us, and I’ve learned from my experience that talking about it helps . It helps alleviate the pain. It brings you back down. So other deputies that you see starting to go through stuff, I’ve done it numerous times — pulled them aside and had a one-on-one talk with them because you got to patrol your own people, not just the citizens.” In response to a question from Wilson, Fitzsimmons mentioned that he waved off another arriving deputy at the bridge, “I figured if he would have seen more people, then he would have been more inclined to have an audience and do whatever he wanted to do. I wanted him to think less, and I just needed to react more.”
- Nye County, Nev. — Traffic stop on $300K McLaren sports car for registration issue. Deputy Cory Fowles chats with owner and releases him with warning to install license plate.
- Daytona Beach, Fla. — Cops pursue a vehicle that subsequently results in a foot bail. One subject detained at apartment complex. On Patrol: Live bleeps out a lot of the dialogue. Sgt. Maher tries to get the subject to calm down. Car search; substance found that officers test. Abrams: “They have no idea right now if the young man who is in cuffs has anything to do with this.” Abrams subsequently reports that the subject was released.
- Beech Grove, Ind. (pre-recorded segment) — Officers investigate mysterious shooting at apartment complex. Broken window at entry door. Cops order four occupants of apartment to come out. Lessee is not home initially; returns home sometime later. Officer: “We started looking around; we found…four or five spent shell casings. Two of the subjects were lying about who they were. Those two were arrested. We’re gonna do a report regarding the shots fired, and we’ll also let management know and hopefully get these people evicted.”
- Richland County, S.C. — Traffic stop under overpass for tag violation. Open container. Driver informs deputies he has a firearm on the floor of the vehicle. Fitzsimmons tells driver that his eyes are bloodshot “as hell.” He apparently is good to drive though. Driver advised to pour out beer can, and he is released with warning, Gun placed in trunk. Abrams: “A little more compassion from Cpl. Fitzsimmons along with Sgt. Garo Brown.”
- Spotsylvania County, Va. — Deputies respond to alleged domestic incident. Man arrested for alleged public intoxication.
- Beach Grove, Ind. — Sgt. Brandon Shipley spots a large U-Haul truck outside a motel that allegedly was not returned. Another office on the scene attempts to find out if the renters are registered guests at the motel. The bay of the truck is empty. Once located, renters will be be able to remove their personnel belongings from cab.
- Nye County, Nev. — Sgt. Corey Fowles attempts to find two horses that escaped from a rodeo. Graphic: “Night mare search.” Fowles mentions that the goal is to keep the horses safe while avoiding any problems with motorists. Although he initially scared them off after finding them, the horses are reunited with owner who shows up with horse trailer for them.
- Nye County, Nev. — Residents alert deputies of a rifle found on the side of the road. Bill of sale from a recent purchase from a local store also found. Owner apparently was notified and shows up to retrieve weapon. Larkin: “The only thing I can think of is if it was stolen and someone decided to discard it, and they threw it out on the road as a possibility — or the owner of it had it like in the bed of a truck that wasn’t secured. They put it up on the roof. I may or may not, as a younger cop, came out to my car to go to work, put my shotgun on it, started to drive out of my apartment complex at the time, and it slid down my windshield, and got caught between my windshield and my hood, before I even made it out. So possibly something like that.” Larkin’s premise that it might have been an accident turns out to be accurate.
- Crime of the Night — High-speed pursuit of someone suspected in a series of armed robberies in Rockdale County, Ga.
- Richland County, S.C. — Sgt. Brown backs up security officers at night club; two men detained who allegedly had a rifle in car. Brown and the men engage in a levity as they are released. Abrams: “Turns out they have all the paperwork for that weapon.”
- Spotsylvania County, Va. — Deputies invesitage report of an assault. Mom says her daughter got jumped. Mom allegedly attacked juvenile. At least initially, she appears to be uncooperative with investigation.
- Wanted Update — The suspected Volusia County carjacker that was discussed on Friday night is in custody thanks to a tip.
- New Wanted segment — Two murder suspects from Augusta, Ga., are at large.
- Wilkes-Barre, Pa. — An officer interacts with pedestrian who might be intoxicated.


The On Patrol: Live disclaimer that airs several times during each episode appears above.
Moreover, as the the Live PD disclaimer appropriately indicated during its run, and that still applies to the successor show, not all outcomes are known or final.
Criminal charges, if any, may have been reduced, dismissed, or never filed.
When alleged criminal activities are depicted on On Patrol: Live, all suspects are presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, as the current disclaimer reaffirms.
Further, please understand that the incidents aired on the show, and/or a description of same as briefly summarized in this blog, including but not limited to any arrests, constitute mere allegations. The content presented herein is for entertainment purposes only.
Initial assessments, commentary, opinions, or observations about the incidents, which are sometimes irreverent, made by the studio hosts or cops or On Patrol: Live — or anyone on Twitter or on another social media platform for that matter — may be incomplete and/or inaccurate. No endorsement herein of that content is intended or implied.
Pending Lawsuit
Parenthetically, A&E and the production company for On Patrol: Live, along with the Reelz channel, have lawyered up.