This Weekend’s On Patrol: Live Highlights, Commentary, and Social Media Activity

A recap of the May 18, 2024, On Patrol: Live episode (OPL #02-76) appears below.

[NOTEClick here for the OPL #02-75, May 17, 2024, recap.]

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On Patrol: Live Summary for May 18, 2024 (#OPL Episode 02-76)

  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Ofr. Robert Mowery and a colleague make contact with a pedestrian who apparently had walking in the middle of the road. The woman is detained. Cops are unable to identify her even with a fingerprint reader. Ofr. Mowery: “So we’re still trying to get her IDed. I can’t run her prints because she’s chewed off the tips of her fingers. They’re all covered in bruises and scabs and blood, so I wouldn’t even be able to get a fingerprint off her. We’re gonna try some other resources to try to get her identified, but right now, we still have nothing.”
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Lt. Richie Maher conducts a traffic stop at a gas station on an alleged street racer.
  • Lee County, Fla. — Dep. Damian Lehmann is on scene where a bicyclist seem asleep in a driveway after possibly falling off the bike and allegedly walking in homeowners’ yards. He makes contact with the subject. Caption: “Report of intoxicated person.” An ambulance is summoned. “What do you use, because you’re sweating a lot…what are you on so I can tell the medics?” The subject is transported to a local hospital.
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Lt. Maher leaves the above stop to back up Ofr. Thomas Goble at a stop at the same gas station. Guns allegedly found in a car search. OPL host Dan Abrams: “John Curley, you’ve seen a weapon like that before?” Guest analyst Lt. John Curley (ret.): “Not a s sophisticated as that on the pistol side. But as far as the AK without a stock, I personally have not. [The color] even matches the car. So that’s got to count for something, right?”

Ofr. Goble summary: “…there’s a couple of higher-end, nicer-model vehicles in front of us. We kept hearing them rev their engines like they were gonna race. And, of course, as luck would have it, as soon as the light turned green, they both took off. Extremely careless; one of them was burning the tires. So we conducted a traffic stop on both of the vehicles. The vehicle that I attempted to stop as he turned off the main roadway — I watched him throw an item out of the window, and I was able to identify as a clear plastic baggie. Once he stopped, I got him out of the vehicle and detained him for the investigation. He admitted post-Miranda that he threw a baggie of some old tobacco that had a little bit of marijuana in it out the window. Unfortunately for him, marijuana is a misdemeanor that we don’t normally charged for, but throwing it out the window is destruction and tampering of evidence, which is a felony in the state of Florida. Also, you can see here in the probable cause search, so far we’ve located at least two firearms. He was very honest about that and told me pretty much right off the bat that there were two firearms in the vehicle, so he’s being cooperative at the moment, but the careless and reckless driving and discarding items of evidentiary value in the city is just not gonna fly with us. So we’re gonna continue our investigations, make sure there’s nothing else in the vehicle, and then we’ll make the final determination on if he’s gonna be charged.” Ofr. Goble follow-up: “So he’s been informed of the outcome of the investigation. We’re gonna write him some citations, and get him out of here…” Abrams: “So he was carrying that weapon legally, and he’s just gonna get, sounds like, a couple of tickets, [and] he’ll be going on his way.”

  • Toledo, Ohio — Ofrs. Mike Gee and Chris Mulinix respond to a report of a child allegedly stabbed at a trampoline park as called into 911 by the child. It turns out that the call is a prank. Ofr. Gee summary: “So it sounds like a 12 year old asked, a boy asked, another juvenile, female juvenile, if she could use his phone, or he could use her phone. And then he pranked 911, saying that he was stabbed. Then he gave the phone back to her, and then he took off from the location, according to the female juvenile. So unfortunately he left, and there’s nothing really more that we can do, so we’ll be on to the next call.” Abrams: “So, on one hand, that is an enormous relief, and on the other hand, it’s got to maddening.” Co-host Dep. Curtis Wilson: “Absolutely. It’s a waste of manpower for them to go all the way over there to check this out, when they could be someplace else doing some good in the community.” Curley: “And they’re running code, so they’re driving fast, so…there’s a lot of variables there.”

“So, on one hand, that is an enormous relief, and on the other hand, it’s got to maddening.”

  • Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpl. Bryson Fowler makes contact with a man outside of a motel on a traffic stop. “You don’t think you got nothing?” Caption: “Cocaine found.” Fowler and the subject, who is wearing a Cheech & Chong T-shirt, go around in verbal circles as to whether the latter wants to talk to the deputy after being Mirandized. Abrams quips that “This questioning appears to be going up in smoke a little bit.” A substance allegedly found in the man’s pocket allegedly tests positive for cocaine after a field test. The subject is arrested for alleged drugs and on a warrant.

“You don’t think you got nothing?”

  • Lee County, Fla. — Dep. Terry Fogarty and other units investigate whether someone was tampering with an ankle monitor after an alert from the agency that monitors these devices. Abrams: “And the minute someone messes with an ankle monitor, particularly in this kind of crime, right?, home invasion robbery with a weapon, immediately they’re gonna try to find them.” Curley: “Absolutely. They’re dangerous individuals — that needs to be tracked.” Cops subsequently make contact with the subject and determine that the ankle monitor is, however, operating properly. Abrams: “It’s interesting, John Curley was just raising questions in studio about when there can be kind of false alarms on something like this, and this may be one of those cases.” Curley: “Maybe the vibration would be, my guess would be, that the ATV would have set it off, and that’s why it triggered on the spot.” Wilson: “May have went outside his area.” Abrams: “But it seems he’s got it on.”
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. (pre-recorded segment) — Ofr. Keith Foreman tries to mediate an ongoing neighbor feud. Ofr. Foreman: “It’s a pretty intense, I guess, situation between these two neighbors. It doesn’t sound [like] there’s gonna be any resolution to that anytime soon. We’re probably gonna be out here again for the same issue. Hopefully, it doesn’t get to that point, but you never know.” Abrams: “Probably going to be out here for the same issue, and yet the same issue really isn’t even a criminal matter.” Curley: “And that’s the frustrating thing. Typically with neighbor disputes, at least in my experience, it’s a reoccurring problem, and really the only way it gets solved is when somebody moves, because, especially in this case, it seems like some of the adults involved are acting like children, so nothing’s gonna get accomplished.” Wilson: “Or maybe they set up a neighborhood barbecue, they get together, hash out the differences with a mediator, so that nobody gets in trouble.” Abrams quips that “When has that ever happened? It would be a great idea. Wouldn’t that be nice?…That world would be a nice world to live in.”

“…..That world would be a nice world to live in.”
  • Richland County, S.C. — Master Dep. Braylyn Salmond and other units conduct a traffic stop. Drugs and guns allegedly found in the vehicle. One of the handcuffed occupants of the vehicle takes off on foot, prompting a extensive search by Salmond and many of his colleagues, including with the deployment of K9s and a helicopter. Abrams: “Clearly very frustrated at the fact that this guy got away, but they’re not gonna give up. ..” Deputies eventually locate the suspect, who might be 18 rather than 17 as he apparently originally claimed, and take him into custody. A happy Dep. Salmond: “We got him…Now let’s go find out who this rascal is and why he trying to steal my handcuffs.” Abrams: “It’s seems pretty clear that that guy is gonna have any possible charge thrown at him at this point.”

“Now let’s go find out who this rascal is and why he trying to steal my handcuffs.”

  • Indian River County Fla. — Sgt. Dwayne Hoilett and other units respond to a house fire. Another deputy tries to put it out with a fire extinguisher. The homeowner tries to hose the blaze down with water but is told that water will make the situation worse. Abrams: “They’re just trying to pause for a moment because they’re concerned about the electrical there. But you can understand the homeowner is concerned and nervous. I totally get it.” He and Sgt. Hoilett have a ‘heated’ exchange over the matter. The Fire Department arrives on scene.
  • Triple Play #2 — A Moses Lake, Wash, motel disturbance that turns into a shootout. Abrams: “Just a reminder how dangerous these domestics can be.”

“Just a reminder how dangerous these domestics can be.”

  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Lt. Maher provides back up on a traffic stop. The motorist is released with a warning.
  • Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpl. Dylan Vardon conducts a traffic stop; the passenger allegedly has a warrant. Cpl. Vardon: “Those are some nice pajamas.”
  • Fontana, Calif. –Ofr. Andrew Davis and other units respond to a report of a neighbor allegedly pepper spraying another neighbor. The victim does not want to press charges. “It’s pepper spray…it ain’t gonna do nothing…I ain’t’ trippin’ about pepper spray.” Cops speak with the woman who allegedly deployed the pepper spray, and she apparently wants to press charges, however. She claims that she was assaulted by the man. Abrams: “So obviously the plot thickens here, and now there’s a different angle to this than we originally thought. This is what happens in police work, right? They arrive on the scene, and they learn.” Ofr. Brian Zozaya alludes to the possibility of “a mutual fight.” Abrams update: “So he looks like he’s gonna have a misdemeanor assault charge.”
  • Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpl. Fowler is on scene the barbeque house from Friday night on a report of alleged trespassing and apparently explains to those there that this is a civil matter that involves instituting eviction proceedings. Caption: “Is the grill still warm?” Abrams: “Amazing that they’re being called back to the exact same scene where they had the barbecue and the crack and the ‘smoke ’em out’ of the house.” Curley: “It’s only Saturday.” Abrams: “It’s amazing that they’re back there, but it sounds like it’s gonna be a civil matter…”

“Amazing that they’re being called back to the exact same scene where they had the barbecue and the crack and the ‘smoke ’em out’ of the house.”

  • BOLO segment — Dover Township, Pa., Hellcat burglars.
  • Indian River County, Fla. (pre-recorded segment) — Deps. Tony Le and Brandon McKenzie respond to a report of a disturbance at a motel. After an investigation, they detain a woman who allegedly attacked a couple. Dep. Le: “Nothing she says is rational or anything like that. They’ve got random stories, and I think she’s a little intoxicated too, so she’s gonna go to jail right now for battery times two on both the male and the female..”
  • Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpl. Vardon pursues a fleeing ATV.
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Ofr. Mowery and Lt. Maher provide backup to the VCAT unit in pursuit of a vehicle that allegedly fled from an attempted traffic stop. The vehicle subsequently came to a stop, and cops detain the driver. Car search. Car towed. Ofr. Mowery summary: “She’s not gonna have a valid driver’s license. Essentially, she knew she didn’t have a license, so an officer, Smith, got behind her, tried to initiate the traffic stop. She fled because she knew her license wasn’t gonna be valid, which doesn’t make it okay. Now she’s upset because she’s learning the real consequences of her actions. So, she’s gonna go to jail for fleeing law enforcement and whatever else she may have.”
  • Indian River County, Fla. — Dep. Tony Le and other units respond to a neighbor dispute. A party claims a woman threatened to drop-kick her dog. The other party, who has a cat, denies the allegation. Dep. Le: “Your cat bit me.” Abrams quips that “Fighting like cats and dogs here.” The latter agrees to leave the location. Dep. Lee: “So as of now, she’s trespassing on the property, causing a disturbance…she’s leaving on her own accord. We’re gonna try to get her a ride. I think she’s intoxicated. Get her a ride, get her out of here, put her belongings in the car, and she can come back another time and retrieve all that or figure it out. Sounds like she’s got a plan ,and we’ve got a plan to help her.” Another deputy expresses concern for the cat’s well-being if a motel where she might be headed doesn’t allow pets and offers to take the cat temporarily to the Humane Society.

“Sounds like she’s got a plan ,and we’ve got a plan to help her.”

  • Missing segment — Wilmington, N.C.
  • Coweta County, Ga. — Dep. Tyler Lamb and other units conduct a traffic stop and a car search outside a hotel. “[A deputy] came over there behind the hotel and saw a male and a female sitting in the car, and then smelled the odor of marijuana. Ended up getting out with them due to marijuana being illegal in the state of Georgia. The odor gave [the deputy] probable cause to search the vehicle. Right now, he’s just trying to separate parties to keep anything from escalating.”
  • Berkeley County, S.C. — Cpl. Fowler conducts a traffic stop on a slow roller that originally was allegedly speeding.
  • Richland County, S.C. — With K9 Specialist John O-Shaughnessy as the lead vehicle, cops including Dep. Salmond pursue a car that allegedly fled from a traffic stop. According to Dep. Wilson, who is obviously familiar with the Richland area, the driver was mostly going in a circle. Dep. Salmond: “We got a call about a gun and like a domestic-violence-type situation. And this car was seen leaving the scene. So we got behind that car, and he failed to stop. We got a successful spike-strip hit thanks to one of our investigators. And he was able to pull over here safely. Nobody got hurt. He’s being detained right now while we investigate and try to figure out what’s going on.” Stop sticks deployed. The motorist, who indicates he does not want to be on camera, is detained at gunpoint at a gas station. Salmond after Mirandizing the subject: “Do you understand your rights?” Response: “I ain’t got no rights.”
  • Daytona Beach, Fla. — Cops race to and arrive at the scene of a fight allegedly involving a weapon at a residence. Lt. Maher: “…there’s a female on the line saying, ‘please just get here, please.’ And they can hear a male yelling in the background… Still no description, but he’s probably gonna be the guy with a gun when we get there. I’m gonna turn my lights and sirens off as we get closer so that we don’t alert them and force them to do something stupid.” Officers converge on the residence.