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Tag: John McCain

John McCain’s Hero Status Only Recently Discovered by the Media

Even if you disagreed with him on certain political issues, U.S. Senator John McCain was war hero and a great American. That’s why President Trump’s “joke” in July 2015 was so inappropriate (and would have doomed the campaign of anyone else).

That said, the Democrat/media cohort heaping praise on the late Arizona senator and Vietnam War POW who was a federal elected official for 35 years  is off-putting to say the least, given the way the echo chamber treated him when he had the temerity — or audacity, as it were — to run against Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election.

From PJ Media:

The media today now have pretty much only nice things to say about the late Sen. John McCain (who’s record of independence has aligned him with Obama and against the GOP on several issues, and even more importantly, against Trump), but this is in stark contrast to how they treated him when he was Barack Obama’s opponent in 2008. read more