If polls are to be believed, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party will win a parliamentary majority of some kind in the U.K. general election on Thursday, December 12. Johnson has promised to “get Brexit done,” but that may just be a euphemism for Brexit in Name Only 2.0, which would still keep the U.K. subject to heavy handed, anti-Democratic European Union rules and regulations and its bloated bureaucracy.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, who is an elected member (i.e., an MEP) of the mostly ceremonial European Parliament, previously proposed a Leave alliance between his party and the Conservatives. Unfortunately, the Conservatives arrogantly and selfishly rejected that overture.

On November 11, Farage nonetheless announced that his party would unilaterally stand down rather than contest 317 seats (out of a total of 650) across the county that the Conservatives won in the 2017 snap election. This was a move to prevent the far-left Labor (or Labour in the British spelling) Party and a coalition of smaller, anti-Brexit, pro-Remain parties from installing the Marxist, anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister.

Farage explained that his difficult decision short-circuited Labor, the Liberal Democrats, and several minor parties from any chance of gaining control of parliament and orchestrating a rigged second referendum where the choice boils down to Remain or Remain.

Never satisfied, “Conservative Inc.,” the liberal media, and various pundits continued to this day that the even the downsized roster of Brexit Party candidates risks putting Corbyn into the PM’s residence at 10 Downing Street in London.

In an Periscope update today, Farage threw cold water on any notion that BXP was handing the Corbynistas a victory:

“And when you read this tosh in the newspapers about the splitting the vote, actually there are seats in which Conservatives are competing only because we’ve ripped a big chunk into that Labor vote. And it when it comes to split the vote, well, what about the seats where we’re the key challenger, and the Conservatives are still standing, still putting out leaflets; in many ways, they’re the ones who risk splitting the Leave vote.”

Farage has also recalled that UKIP (or Ukip), his former political home, took enough votes from Labor in the May 2015 general election to re-elect Cameron as prime minister. The pro-Remain Cameron stepped down after the Brexit referendum.

In the run-up to Thursday’s balloting, the BXP leader has repeatedly insisted, as alluded to above, that the Conservatives (a.k.a. the Tories) have no hope of winning in any Labor Leave constituency, and it is the Tories, rather than the Brexit Party, that risks splitting the Leave vote.

The whole purpose behind Brexit is to restore the U.K. as a self-governing, independent nation which can — among other things — enter into trade agreements with any country.

Labor vs. Labor and Other Oddities

In multi-party U.K. elections, some candidates get suspended for misconduct or wind up stepping down for one reason or another. But this election is something else again. For example, at least eight Labor Members of Parliament (MPs) have publicly told voters not to cast a ballot for their own party because of Corbyn’s anti-Semitic track record and his other radical tendencies. Former Conservative Prime Minister John Major, a committed Europhile, has told the public not to vote Conservative, and this week, four Brexit Party MEPs defected, advising pro-Brexit voters to support the Conservatives.

Nigel Farage has insisted that voted BXP is the only way to hold Johnson and the Conservatives in the House of Commons accountable for delivering a “proper” Brexit rather than BRINO 2.0.

The Conservatives, particularly under Johnson’s immediate predecessor, the inept Theresa May (who tried unsuccessfully to get the original BRINO through parliament), have failed so far to honor the will of the 17.4 million voters who backed Brexit and voted to leave the EU.

Virtually the entire London-centric, U.K. cross-party globalist, political establishment has done all it could to sabotage Breixt in the past 3-1/2 years and keep the U.K. shackled to the EU.

The Brexit Architect

There never would have been a Brexit without Nigel Farage, who is perhaps the best orator in the world. As leader of UKIP, Farage pressured former PM David Cameron into reluctantly giving the green light to the June 23, 2016, Brexit referendum.

Farge led UKIP to victory in the 2014 European Parliamentary election (the first time any third party was successful in a national election for more than 100 years), and he engineered the same feat with the fledgling, populist Brexit Party in May of this year. Theresa May might be still prime minister if it wasn’t for the rise of the BXP.

Farage has done all this without ever winning a seat in Commons.

Patrick O’Flynn, a former UKIP colleague and current member of the pro-Brexit, left-leaning Social Democratic Party, has been consistently critical of Farage for supposedly jeopardizing Brexit:

“Nigel Farage’s giant ego and profile has so often been the salvation of Brexit. It enabled Ukip to wield immense pressure for the referendum during the 2010-2015 parliament. It also meant Farage could be a powerful figurehead for resistance to Theresa May’s woeful Brexit deal early this year, culminating in her departure and the change of direction from the Tories after Farage’s brilliant Brexit party innovation…. One hopes that leave voters as a whole will save Nigel Farage from himself on 12 December by electing a majority government that can take this country out of the European Union. If that happens then history – despite the political affiliations of most contemporary historians – will be forced to rank him among the most influential British political figures of the early 21st Century. If it doesn’t then, really, what will it all have been for?”

Personal rivalries often masquerade as policy differences. Instead of betraying their party leader at nearly the 11th hours, the four BXP defectors could have simply recommended voting tactically, which is essentially what Farage has advocated, particularly since a candidate get elected with just 29 or 30 percent of the vote in may swing districts.

Writing in the London Telegraph, Brexit Party Chairman and parliamentary candidate Richard Tice offered this assessment of the quartet’s announcement:

“As the general election campaign got underway last month, we forced the Conservatives to harden their Brexit position. Thanks to us, their manifesto now promises a Canadian-style free trade agreement with the EU, without political alignment. They have also pledged not to extend the transition period beyond the end of 2020.  This is very significant. However, we have all seen that promises about Brexit made in the run up to elections have a tendency to fade once politicians win power. That is why this country needs Brexit Party MPs at Westminster. Their job will be to hold Johnson to his commitments.. f the Tories fail to secure a decent working majority, they only have themselves to blame. Standing aside in a very modest number of seats would have ensured a much bigger Leave majority…

“The small group of our former MEPs now urging people to vote Conservative would see things differently had they actually been out campaigning in Labour heartlands areas where the Brexit Party is going toe-to-toe with Labour. Blindly asserting that voters face a binary choice between Tories and Labour ignores the new electoral reality: we are taking Labour votes. Anyone who can’t see that should get out of London a bit more…The presence of the Brexit party in the Commons would be a game-changer. For once, Boris Johnson might find he has to stick to what he’s said – and we would continue to change politics for good. ”

Brexit Party Will Re-Brand

Farage has already announced that post election, he will re-brand the Brexit Party as the Reform Party to continue to push for changes in British politics set forth in its contract with the people.

Although the unhinged left is suffering a severe case of Boris Derangement Syndrome, the avuncular Johnson is very much part of the establishment, including governing as a pretty liberal mayor of London for eight years.

That aside, the globalist forces arrayed against Brexit are similar to the Deep State cohort that has fought tooth and nail against President Trump’s America First, MAGA agenda. Keep in mind that these so-called experts who seem to think they know better than an elected president. These geniuses for example got us into a disastrous war in Iraq, got us bogged down in Afghanistan, turned Libya into an ISIS theme park, were hell-bent on getting us into a war in Syria and/or with Russia, gave billions to Iran on a fatally flawed nuclear “deal,” and stood by while China hollowed out American manufacturing and destroyed American jobs.

Even a small number of seats would give the Brexit Party tremendous leverage in a closely divided parliament. Given the hostility from the political and media echo chamber, how many seats, if any, will the Brexit Party win on Thursday? Stay tuned.

[Featured image credit: Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0 license]