News and commentary: progress in work

Author: Robert (Page 28 of 56)

Hillary Clinton Coughing Fits: A Complete History, Continued

Speculation is mounting that Hillary Clinton may run for president again in a potential rematch against Donald Trump. That might explain why she’s increased public appearances and media interviews in connection with a new, curiously timed book that probably no one will read. She recently sat down for a cringe-worthy, fawning interview conducted by Howard Stern on his SiriusXM radio show, during which she had yet another coughing fit (see clip below). read more

Will the Brexit Party Win Any Seats in the U.K. Election?

If polls are to be believed, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party will win a parliamentary majority of some kind in the U.K. general election on Thursday, December 12. Johnson has promised to “get Brexit done,” but that may just be a euphemism for Brexit in Name Only 2.0, which would still keep the U.K. subject to heavy handed, anti-Democratic European Union rules and regulations and its bloated bureaucracy. read more

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