Transcripts released last Thursday from the misnamed U.S. House Intelligence Committee seemed to indicate that Obama administration officials said one thing on TV and quite another while under oath.

On TV, they pushed a phony narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians while in testimony on Capitol Hill behind closed doors they admitted no evidence existed to support that claim.

Democrats were so fixated on Russia as a way to attack Trump that they ignored China’s continuing geopolitical ambitions, which culminated in the spread of the coronavirus worldwide with disastrous results for public health and the economy.

FNC’s Tucker Carlson summed it up in another excellent editorial (watch the entire presentation embedded below):

“In Washington, Russia is all we talked about for three years. All normal business in the capital city came to a halt as we embarked on a bizarre scavenger hunt in search of Vladimir Putin’s spies. Even at the time, the whole thing seemed absurd. Now we know it was worse than absurd…it was instead an elaborate and intentional hoax staged by the most unscrupulous and power-mad political operatives this country has ever seen.”

Carlson went on to quote directly from the 57 transcripts in which several high-ranking Obama officials conceded that there was no evidence of collusion.

“For three years, our entire political system, every television show, every newspaper, all media outlets, revolved around the hunt for Russian spies…it was all lies, literally all of it, even the core claims about [DNC] hacking that formed the entire basis of the story and the entire investigation that followed…there was never real evidence that that actually happened…”

Carlson recalled that Democrats never allowed the FBI to examine DNC servers allegedly hacked by Russia to supposedly help Trump.

“That odd behavior for people who claim to be the victims of foreign espionage.” Yet the third-party tech firm admitted, according to the transcripts, that there was no “concrete evidence of Russian hacking.

(Source: Fox News)

The host of Tucker Carlson Tonight saved his harshest assessment for impeachment-obsessed Adam Schiff, the California Democrat who is the committee chair:

“Schiff knew there was nothing substantial at the core of the Russian collusion story. At the very center, it was hollow. It was a sham. Schiff never even suggested this in public, instead he did the opposite. He spent years on television telling you it was totally real — shut up….Adam Schiff is a sociopath. He will do or say anything to achieve power. He is unfit to hold office. He should resign. And not just Adam Schiff. The entire apparatus of official Washington has been exposed by these transcripts as well as by the documents just released in the Michael Flynn case…”

Carlson added that when the GOP had the power when they controlled both chambers to shut down this Democrat/Deep State hoax, but failed to take action.

Speaking of General Flynn, the U.S. Department of Justice has dropped its case against the man who briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser when a separate document dump indicated that FBI officials tried to frame the war hero.

Many observers believe that Trump’s firing of Flynn was ill-advised in that it only emboldened the Deep State.

From Michael Walsh in the New York Post:

“Since the first month of the new administration, when Flynn was ambushed by a rogue FBI under James Comey, forced from office after just 24 days, indicted for ‘lying to the FBI’ by Robert Mueller’s kangaroo court investigation of the Trump campaign’s imaginary ‘collusion’ with Russia, and coerced into a single-count guilty plea, the president is finally free to go on offense against those who would have seditiously denied him his electoral victory…

“Stripped of his office, his dignity and his money, Flynn — the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Barack Obama — was awaiting sentencing for his nonexistent crime when the news came. With a new lawyer, Sidney Powell, leading on his defense, and an attorney general (William Barr) determined to see real justice done, Team Flynn finally pried loose a document cache indicating the sheer malfeasance of his malicious prosecution by an FBI goon squad…

“Throwing Flynn to the baying hounds of the Democrat-Media Complex was a major blunder. It made Trump look weak, unable or unwilling to defend one of his campaign’s chief advisers. Sensing blood, the media turned its basilisk glare on the hapless attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who quickly recused himself from anything pertaining to ‘Russian collusion.’ And so the beast took on a life of its own, destroying careers and chewing up time and money, only to culminate in Mueller’s nothingburger of a report two years later.

“Trump has given his disheartened followers an important victory over the bumbling Mueller and the sanctimonious Comey; meanwhile, in the shadows, Barr and acting DNI Ric Grenell are busily declassifying and releasing documents that will doubtless reveal even more details about the Democrats’ criminal plot against the president. Meanwhile, the salivating media, which awarded themselves slews of Pulitzers for their ‘collusion’ coverage, have been exposed as the partisan ventriloquist’s dummies they are.

“As the country roars back from the economically disastrous shutdown, Trump now needs to sideline the doctors, ignore the media and resume his place at the bully pulpit. And, with the vindication of Mike Flynn, see that real justice is done.”

The Mueller investigation, even as conducted by partisan Democrat prosecutors under figurehead Special Counsel Robert Mueller, found no evidence that the Russian government colluded to help Trump the 2016 election.

You may have noticed that the way the insidious, anti-Trump merry-go-round operated (and continues to operate) is that a “bombshell” from an anonymous Obama-holdover source would leak to a news outlet, the rest of the media would run with it as breaking news regardless of accuracy, and then the Democrats would use that as a basis to demand more investigations.

This post will be updated.