Congresswoman Ihan Omar is getting some bad press in the Star Tribune, her hometown newspaper. Championing her candidacy in 2018, that publication, among many virtue-signaling mainstream news outlets, chose to ignore the solid work of investigate journalists and “conservative bloggers.” The Rep. Omar situation one again is another example of a quote attributed to playwright/filmmaker David Mamet who apparently opined that “In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things…”

The legacy liberal media operates under a two-track formula if a politician has a sketchy background. If it’s a Republican, report it immediately and definitely before the election. If it’s a Democrat, wait to her or she is safely in office and then report it, if at all, after all kinds of vetting gyrations. Recall how the Washington Post essentially spiked the sexual assault allegations against Va. Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax.

The mainstream media was undoubtedly also aware pre-election that Ilhan Omar was an anti-Semite (although she’s not the only one among the cohort of first-time House members).

Omar, an open-borders Democrat, represents Minnesota’s 5th Congressional district in the Minneapolis area.

Here’s what the Star Tribune reported on Saturday (which, interestingly enough, is or was a light readership day back when print was significant).

“New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Rep. Ilhan Omar and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws.

“Omar has denied the allegations in the past, dismissing them as ‘baseless rumors’ first raised in an online Somali politics forum and championed by conservative bloggers during her 2016 campaign for the Minnesota House. But she said little then or since about Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the former husband who swept into her life in 2009 before a 2011 separation.

“The questions surfaced again this month in a state probe of campaign finance violations showing that Omar filed federal taxes in 2014 and 2015 with her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, while she was still legally married to but separated from Elmi.”

“Although she has legally corrected the discrepancy, she has declined to say anything about how or why it happened.

“The new documents also detail the Omar campaign’s efforts to keep the story of her marriage to Elmi out of the press, arguing that detailed coverage would legitimize the accusations and invade her privacy.”

Thought experiment: If Ilhan Omar was a Republican rumored to have committed immigration fraud, do you think the Star Tribune would have waited until now to publish this?

Reviewing Google News the day after the 2018 midterm election, PJ Media editor David Steinberg detailed that of 105 articles, “Zero Cover Her Anti-Semitism, Finance Investigations, or Perjury Evidence.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.