Any non-liberal invited on The View to discuss politics is almost guaranteed to be abused and shouted down. For Judge Jeanine Pirro, the show even added an additional interlocutor, CNN’s Never Trump zealot Ana Navarro, as part of the ambush.

While Pirro, who is promoting a new book called Liars, Leakers, and Liberals, kept her composure, the apparently unhinged Whoopi Goldberg had a meltdown, and apparently off camera drop  F-bombs while kicking the former judge out of the studio.

Goldberg denied she had Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Pirro went on Sean Hannity’s FNC show tonight to discuss what happened. Unfortunately, Hannity interrupted his colleague several times when she was trying to complete a thought. While Hannity brings in massive ratings, someone at the network needs to pull him aside and strongly suggest that he refrain from talking over a guest or panelist when that person is making, or trying to make, a good point.

Hannity recently said that his hearing is shot, so maybe that is the source of this recurring problem.  There also is no need for Sean Hannity to rattle off his list of grievances against Democrats over and over.

Co-host Meghan McCain, while a Never Trumper, often tries to present an alternative viewpoint on The View, but being the token conservative or libertarian on the virtue-signaling panel is a difficult gig, as Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Jedediah Bila previously found out.

Update: The Hannity video appears to have been removed from YouTube, but in the videos below, Pirro describes on Fox & Friends what happened and addresses it on her show.