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With all news lately, you may have missed a beef over steak that reportedly prompted a recent brawl at a Philadelphia-area Golden Corral restaurant. Video of the incident is embedded below.

Fists and chairs were flying in what might have looked like a WWE hardcore match at the Bensalem, Pa., eatery.

All you can eat to all you can beat [up]?

Amidst the chaos, someone can be heard saying “all I wanted was some steak.”

The melee that left the bistro trashed took place under a sign that read “Gather Round.”

A former employee of the restaurant claimed he obtained some inside information from a current worker at the restaurant, KYW reported. “There was two parties in line waiting for steak. Somebody had cut in front and then started being picky and finicky about the steaks and taking too long, and then, somebody else spoke up and said something I guess the other party didn’t like. Then, it just looks like it turned into an all-out brawl.”

According to Bensalem cops, the crowd had disbursed by the time offices arrived, and that that there were no serious injuries about which they are aware. The incident is under investigation, but there apparently is no update.

In a statement, the restaurant owner JK Hospitality LLC, similarly explained that “We are aware of an unfortunate disturbance that started between two parties of guests at our franchise restaurant in Bensalem, PA. We notified the local authorities, and they are investigating the incident. Thankfully, no serious injuries have been reported. The safety of our guests and co-workers is our top priority.”