Any non-liberal invited on The View to discuss politics is almost guaranteed to be abused and shouted down. For Judge Jeanine Pirro, the show even added an additional interlocutor, CNN’s Never Trump zealot Ana Navarro, as part of the ambush.

News and commentary: progress in work
Any non-liberal invited on The View to discuss politics is almost guaranteed to be abused and shouted down. For Judge Jeanine Pirro, the show even added an additional interlocutor, CNN’s Never Trump zealot Ana Navarro, as part of the ambush.
Mainstream influencers on the right have from time to time also seen their accounts suspended for transgressions pursuant to standards that don’t seem to apply to their left-wing counterparts.
Parenthetically, Big Social lined up behind the now-repealed net neutrality but as far as content neutrality, not so much.
A study of 50 online publishers released in March by The Western Journal concluded that modifications to Facebook’s news feeds sent conservative publishers’ reader engagement into a nose dive far more than liberals. The Outline came up with similar findings after Facebook apparently adjusted the news feeds to de-emphasize content from news outlets.
A recent Pew Research Center poll indicates that a majority of Americans across the ideological spectrum perceive that the big tech platforms are censoring political views with which they disagree.
While praising Facebook as a key to the Trump presidential election victory, digital guru and 2020 Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale explained the following to the Bloomberg news agency.
“Facebook is a liberal company…that has an inherent bias…that is based in a place that is probably extremely biased…their employees have biases, and those decisions probably go into every line of code they write and everything they do…I think the inherent bias in those companies is significant.”
Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale says Facebook and Twitter have liberal biases
— Bloomberg (@business) July 17, 2018
In the interview with a Russia-obsessed Bloomberg reporter (is there another kind of journalist these days?), Parscale also implied that unlike the other platforms, he thinks that Facebook is trying to take steps to eliminate liberal bias and that he intends to hold all the major tech firms accountable for fairness.
Parscale has sat down with Facebook officials personally to discuss various issues including the application programming interface. Watch the interview clip below.
In recent Capitol Hill testimony, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Silicon Valley is an extremely very left-leaning place, but denied that his company is censoring conservatives.
Apart from Trump’s twitter feed, Parscale implied that Twitter is inconsequential as a persuasion vehicle.
This may be the result of Twitter being dominated by a far-left social justice thought-police cohort ready to pounce on any opinion that doesn’t fit within the progressive agenda.
Parscale also revealed that Google-owned YouTube will play a bigger role in the 2020 Trump reelection campaign than int 2016. As Parscale noted in the interview, YouTube has, however, also come under criticism for liberal bias in terms of of the way it indexes conservative-leaning videos.
Yesterday, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Aspen Security Forum that China (not Russia) is the most significant threat to the U.S. in terms of economic espionage as well as traditional espionage.
In a Capitol Hill hearing about online content filtering on Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) asked three robotic, talking-points-memorizing Facebook, Google, and Twitter officials about nations other than Russia that might have meddled in U.S. elections. See clip below.
At that hearing, a Facebook official admitted “that Russian election interference was limited to ‘a few thousand’ of two billion posts analyzed, Breitbart News reported.
You may recall that Gohmert blew up the Peter Strzok hearing last week when he alluded to the witness’s extra-curricular activities.
“This is intolerable harassment of a witness!”
WFAN is perhaps best known for imperious, top-rated afternoon drive talk show host Mike Francesa who retired in December to much FANfare and hoopla only to unretire a few months later after the successor show tanked in the ratings.
Let’s review what’s happened over the course of 10 months at WFAN:
• September: Craig Carton gets arrested, resigns.
• December: Mike Francesa leaves
• April: Mike Francesa comes back
• July: Joe Benigno gets sued for…..things.
What a time to be Mark Chernoff.
Perhaps similarly, the Democrats and their media enablers (or vice versa) and the unhinged Never Trump Republicans would be lost without the tedious Russian-collusion narrative.
It’s ironic, isn’t it how the media and political ridiculed Mitt Romney unmercifully when he warned about Russia’s intentions. Remember, too, that Obama was caught on a hot mic in March 2012 telling then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” on policy issues after the election. And then there was Hillary Clinton’s Russian “reset.”
President Trump could have been more precise in his statements about Russian meddling in the 2016 election during the Helsinki press conference, which is different from unproven collusion allegations.
The outrage from the blue-check Twitter cohort seemed to be prepackaged, however, as it was after the Singapore meeting with Kim Jong Un. Trump tried to clean thing today, but his foes locked in to the Russia narrative will never be satisfied.
As Michael Goodwin wrote in the New York Post, “In short, most people played to type, as if following a script. Indeed, it reminded me of the 2016 campaign, where Trump would say something outrageous and it looked for all the world that his candidacy would be dead in 24 hours. Many people, to judge from their overreactions in the last 24 hours, haven’t learned anything.”
In September 2016, journalist Selena Zito famously wrote in The Atlantic in reference to the skeptical media’s fact-checking Trump’s claims (something that Obama was never subjected to), ” the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”
Obviously Putin is a dictator whose regime is engaged in many forms of wrongdoing. But Trump’s critics, for example, seem unconcerned about the activities of China, with its ever-expanding worldwide economic, military, political and espionage activities, including hacking the U.S. government in 2015. And they were cheerleaders for the flawed nuclear deal with Iran, a country that is formally designated as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Can you blame Trump for being less than thrilled with intelligence agencies, given how the so-called Deep State has tried to undermine his presidency, including obtaining FISA warrants to spy on his campaign essentially under false pretenses? Plus, how special counsel Mueller loaded up his prosecutorial team with Democrats with ties to Obama and Clinton.
Remember the good old days when liberals and leftists distrusted and denounced the CIA and other spy agencies and accused them of meddling in the internal affairs of other countries?
So for decades, liberals expressed skepticism about the intelligence apparatus. When Trump expresses skepticism, suddenly that becomes a traitorous act?
From the New York Times:
“Loch K. Johnson, the dean of American intelligence scholars, who began his career in the 1970s investigating the C.I.A. as a staff member of the Senate’s Church Committee, says Russia’s 2016 operation was simply the cyber-age version of standard United States practice for decades, whenever American officials were worried about a foreign vote.
“‘We’ve been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947,’ said Mr. Johnson, now at the University of Georgia. ‘We’ve used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners — you name it. We’ve planted false information in foreign newspapers. We’ve used what the British call ‘King George’s cavalry’: suitcases of cash.’
“The United States’ departure from democratic ideals sometimes went much further. The C.I.A. helped overthrow elected leaders in Iran and Guatemala in the 1950s and backed violent coups in several other countries in the 1960s. It plotted assassinations and supported brutal anti-Communist governments in Latin America, Africa and Asia.”
More recently, Obama meddled in the 2015 Israeli elections when he sent his operatives to try to help defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu.
In the Cold War with the former Soviet Union, most Democrats were AWOL. And there are reports that the late Sen. Ted Kennedy allegedly “enlisted the help of the Kremlin in attempting to take down” President Ronald Reagan.
The larger point is that Trump’s foes consistently claimed that he would start a nuclear war;Â now they’re accusing him of treason by trying to achieve peace.
For the vast majority of us who aren’t policy wonks and are bored with tawdry Beltway infighting, which is it?
Branco Cartoon – Circle Jerks #TrumpPutin #TrumpRussiaCollusion
— A.F. Branco – Political Cartoonist (@afbranco) July 16, 2018
A fan of the president’s persuasion skills, Dilbert creator Scott Adams has implied that Trump is trying to create a new reality for Putin and Kim — who control nuclear arsenals — that will lead to less international tension. If this is accurate, it’s a nuance that has totally escaped the political and media class which is afflicted with Trump Derangement syndrome and seem to be hell-bent on increasing tensions with Russia.
According to CNBC, “some of the toughest sanctions in years have fallen on Russia’s elite under the Trump administration.”
Given recent events, how could Trump ever fully trust his intelligence
This is a grassroots, rapidly-gaining-traction movement created by Brandon Straka, initially with his own viral video, that has created a social media community of disaffected liberals who have left the Democratic Party and its authoritarian, intolerant inclinations.
Originally launched on Facebook where you can find substantial content, there are now also a sizable number of video testimonial/personal stories from ex-Democrats on the #WalkAway YouTube fan site.
Many people seem to forget that Donald Trump himself was a Democrat and independent before seeking the presidency as a first-time candidate on the Republican ticket in 2016.
On her website, civil discourse champion Vanessa Berben makes it clear that she is has not signed on with conservatives or Republicans, unlike many of her #WalkAway contemporaries who have officially made an ideological journey from left to right. But she shares their basic principles insofar as free speech is concerned.
“To vocalize any kind of dissenting opinion that doesn’t fall in lock/step with “the war for social justice’ gets us labeled a Nazi, bigot, or some other kind of racist— sometimes by our own families. So here’s my contribution to this movement. From one lifelong Democrat, here to say No More. I’m nowhere near Conservative, nowhere nar Republican, but I’m still breaking up with my party. No more rabid cognitive dissonance, no more exaltation of victimhood– I’ve chosen to #WalkAway.”
Related stories:
Internet Activist Launches #WalkAway From Politics As Usual Campaign
The #WalkAway Campaign Is Rapidly Gaining Momentum
#WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka Denied Service at New York City Electronics Store
As she further explained on the video embedded below, ‘Somehow, advocating for freedom of thought has become a radical notion.”
Although Democrats and liberals here and in Europe, including blue-check Twitter, seem incapable of distinguishing between legal and illegal immigration moreover, Berben in her video presentation specifically rejected the premise that favoring legal entry into the U.S. and strong borders are in an any discriminatory.
“Being an American surpasses color, surpasses creed, it even surpasses country of origin—This is an amazing country, and I love being an American. And I love anyone who holds American ideals up so highly, that they would be willing to leave their home country to come here. I’m so for that; I’m so all about that…”
So… this is happening: Vanessa Berben AMA on r/WalkAway, Wednesday 8pm ET! Former Bernie supporter talks leaving the Democrat… via @reddit
The broccoli sprouts superfood have become a rapidly growing, as it were, topic of conversation on alternative health-related Internet platforms.
Broccoli sprouts are said to be rich in a substance called sulforaphane, a potent anti-oxidant. Broccoli sprouts proponents claim that sulforaphane is a anti-cancer compound and provide many other health benefits. Sprouts apparently contain far more sulforaphane than regular broccoli.
According to the DrAxe website, “Sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts is associated with heart health, strong bones, fighting H. pylori infection, detoxification, respiratory health, support in multiple sclerosis, and even brain protection from traumatic injury or stroke.”
You can easily find instructions, with some variations, all over web about how to easily grow broccoli sprouts at home.
Shorthand version: obtain organic broccoli seeds from an online retailer. Soak about two or three tablespoons in a mason jar with a sprouting lid over night, and then rinse and drain (at an angle) for about five days or so, and you should be good to go.
As a practical matter so far, getting all the seeds to germinate has proven challenging, as is trying to separate them efficiently after the process is completed. But that constitutes a minor consideration.
Broccoli sprouts are almost tasteless, and you can eat them raw, add them to salads, or use them in smoothies, etc.
As with any and all diet-related considerations, be sure to do your own through research and due diligence before even considering adding broccoli sprouts to your nutrition regimen.
the Peter Strozk testimony
With his gun control obsession, Piers Morgan tanked CNN ratings when he took over for Larry King. Since reemerging on British television sometime after his CNN gig was cancelled, Morgan has tried to introduce some balance in U.K. television coverage, otherwise mostly negative, of U.S. President Donald Trump.
In a heated back and forth today with a prominent activist who plans to protest Trump’s first official visit to the U.K. as president because of immigration enforcement, the Good Morning Britain host raised the issue of hypocrisy and/or proportionality because of the lack of protests over Barack Obama’s visits or minimal, if any, demonstrations against various human-rights-violating dictators who have recently made state trips to London.
Morgan, a former Celebrity Apprentice winner, was really fired up about giving a pop quiz about Obama deporting three million illegal aliens (which is misleading because the administration adopted a very loose definition of deportation). Neither Morgan nor anyone else on the panel seemed to be aware that Obama also separated families at the border, however. In fact, the social media image of “kids in cages” that ignited the entire controversy dated back to the Obama era.
Apparently the explanation is that unlike other countries, America must be held to a higher standard because it is a traditional ally of the U.K. But that doesn’t explain the lack of demonstrations against Obama.
The studio guest, Ash Sarkar of the so-called Stop Trump Coalition, insisted to Morgan that she was no fan of Trump’s predecessor or the Democrats, adding that “I’m a communist, you idiot.”
Susanna Reid, Piers Morgan’s virtue-signaling co-host, violated one of the rules of good television, which is never interrupt or derail a compelling rant or debate with a strawman argument
Apparently the Trump administration wants to make sure that minors are not turned over to smugglers, human traffickers, and pretend parents, and evidently has been conducted DNA testing to protect the children.
In this context, The Washington Post published the following in January 2016, which prompted zero outrage.
“The Obama administration failed to protect thousands of Central American children who have flooded across the U.S. border since 2011, leaving them vulnerable to traffickers and to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers, a Senate investigation has found.
Watch the live stream below.
Rep. Trey Gowdy was the warm-up act and puts everything in perspective.
May has been criticized for giving away the store, the farm, and the fisheries in the negotiations over exiting the EU, which won’t officially occur until March 29, 2019.
This turn of events prompted Brexiteers David Davis and Boris Johnson, along with several lesser known politicians, to quit May’s cabinet, which is a reflection of widespread opposition to May’s plan. (Unlike the U.S. system, U.K. cabinet members are separately elected on their own as parliamentarians, so quitting the government means that they still retain their seats in the House of Commons). Other Conservative Party officials have also resigned their positions in protest over May’s proposal.
From Breitbart London:
“It was at Chequers — the Prime Minister’s countryside retreat — on July 5th and 6th 2018 that May nailed her Brexit colours to the mast. Her proposals would see Britain effectively remain inside the EU’s Single Market for industrial goods and agricultural products forever. The country would sign up to a free trade area regulated by a so-called ‘common rulebook’ dictated by the European Court of Justice. It would remain subject to EU state aid rules and keep its employment, environment, consumer protection, and social regulations at least as stringent as the EU, and would also agree to collect customs duties on the EU’s behalf for goods destined for the bloc.”
Recall that on June 23, 2016, U.K. voters approved a referendum to exit the European Union and regain the country’s sovereignty. As leader of Ukip at the time, Nigel Farage is credited with compelling former Prime Minister David Cameron to reluctantly authorize the referendum in the first place.
Theresa May, Cameron’s successor as both Conservative Party leader and the country’s prime minister, is part of the globalist establishment that supported the Remain side, but she vowed to honor the will of the people. In was probably a precursor to what was to come when she dragged her feet about invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which was necessary to begin the EU divorce process.
What I know in my heart is that if @theresa_may stays as Prime Minister we will not get control back of our borders, our laws, our courts, and our money. It will be a fudge and leave us in a very bad place.
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