There is increasing momentum among House Democrats across ideological lines to impeach U.S. President Donald Trump. That is the contention of journalist Michael Tracey.
Tracey is a member of an exclusive club of anti-Trump, left-wing journalists which includes Aaron Maté, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Caitlin Johnstone.
Despite their progressive bona fides, however, they nonetheless concluded early on that the Trump-Russia collusion controversy constituted an establishment/media-driven hoax, if not an unconstitutional coup attempt against a sitting president by the Deep State.
Impeachment Madness
In an article published in the Spectator USA headlined “The madness of the Democratic impeachment crusade,” Tracey warns that despite Mueller clearing Trump, pressure from House impeachment “truthers” may result in impeachment proceedings anyway:
“Since the release of the Mueller report, with each passing day comes a new and increasingly strident demand to impeach Donald Trump. The New York Times, Washington Post, and various prestige magazines are cluttered with such demands, casting impeachment as an imperative for the survival of American democracy. Mueller might have affirmatively concluded that no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia ever came close to being established, but that hasn’t stopped Democrats and their journalist allies from barreling full-steam ahead down this rabbit hole.
In a healthy media environment, the key finding from the report ought to have been that the ‘collusion’ hypothesis which dominated American political consciousness for nearly three years was exhaustively and resolutely debunked – but instead there has been a concerted move to deflect and change the subject.
One tactic employed to this end by Democrats and likeminded pundits has been to re-focus collective attention on Attorney General William Barr, whom they insist maliciously misrepresented Mueller’s findings in order to protect Trump. But their criticisms on this score never made any sense…
“But whipping up an ancillary and specious controversy about Barr, Democrats are merely attempting to prolong the fantasy that Mueller somehow indicted Trump, rather than meticulously examined every conceivable aspect of the purported Trump-Russia conspiracy, and rendered as affirmative a judgment as any prosecutor in Mueller’s position could ever proffer: that there was no such conspiracy. It’s game over.
Tracey continues:
“Collusion true-believers and dead-enders are using the Barr ‘side-bar’ to fuel the storyline that impeachment is the only viable response to the Mueller report, lest the entire American system of government crumble. Democrats calling for impeachment are generally assumed to be members of Congress representing the ‘left-wing’ flank of the party… but increasingly there has been a move among more putatively ‘moderate’ members to hop aboard the pro-impeachment train as well…This is significant because it reflects impeachment gaining steam across disparate factions of the party; no longer can it be said to be confined exclusively to any particular ideological element.
“Either way, it’s a fallacy to presume that there’s anything inherently ‘progressive’ or ‘left-wing’ about advocating to impeach the president on the basis of a debunked international espionage conspiracy theory that has its genesis in the FBI and CIA (both of which employed all manner of extraordinarily invasive surveillance tactics and extra-legal measures to impede the democratically-elected head of state) – and which had the practical impact of effectively criminalizing foreign policy heterodoxies…
“Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Jerrold Nadler, and the rest of the House Democratic leadership might be relatively cautious in terms of how far they are willing to go on impeachment, but it’s difficult to imagine how they can resist the omni-directional pressure being heaped on them for very long…
“Democrats can try all they want to convince themselves that impeaching Trump on grounds of ‘obstruction’ rather than collusion is a tenable course, but politically speaking these two subjects are wholly inseparable. ‘Obstruction’ only ever arose as a live issue due to a collusion investigation which we now know was predicated on a complete fiction – or a ‘hoax,’ as Trump correctly observed on many occasions. If they really want to oust Trump on the basis of a discredited militaristic conspiracy theory that was generated by the most retrograde elements of the American national security state, fine: but at least be honest about it.”
Collusion Did Happen
While 24-7 pushing the Russiagate witch hunt in collusion with the Democrats and the Never Trumpers, the mainstream media has generally and hypocritically ignored that Obama administration colluded with the Clinton campaign with a paid-for fake Russian dossier (the Steele dossier) as a pretext to spy on the Trump campaign.
Allegations have also emerged that the Ukranian government colluded with the Democrats against Trump. Ex-VP Joe Biden, a new entrant into the presidential sweepstakes, also has some explaining to do over his alleged financial ties to Ukraine. And some have speculated about the Mueller team possibly colluding with House Democrats to hold the no-collusion report until after the 2018 midterm elections. Plus, Obama meddled in the Brexit vote in the U.K. as well as the 2015 Israeli election.
Let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton and Obama officials helped give Russia 20 percent of U.S. uranium around the time that cash flowed into the Clinton Foundation.