In the aftermath of George Floyd-related civil unrest across the nation, Tucker Carlson delivered a 26-minute since-gone-viral monologue on his Fox News Channel show that called out Republicans and Democrat, including President Trump’s son in law, for a failure of leadership in the face of mob chaos.

The mayhem has occurred even though America has universally condemned the misconduct by the police officers in the Floyd encounter, with one charged with murder and more criminal charges forthcoming.

Tucker Carlson Tonight is likely the most influential cable news talk show in the country, and this riveting presentation is one of the reasons why.

Here are a few excerpts (with the entire video embedded below to get the full context).

“The nation went up in flames this weekend. No one in charge stood up to save America. Our leaders dithered. They cowered. They openly sided with the destroyers. In many cases, they egged them on…

“The worst people in our society have taken control. They did nothing to build this country. Now, they are tearing it down. They are rushing us toward mass suicide…

“Violence and looting are not forms of political expression.

If you were killed tomorrow, how many buildings would you want burned to the ground in your memory? How many old women smashed in the face on the street in your name? None, we hope, because you’re not a vicious psychopath, like the people you’ve just watched.

“In fact, what we’re watching is not a political protest. It’s the opposite of a political protest. It is an attack on the idea of politics. The rioters you have seen are trying to topple our political system.

“That system is how we resolve our differences without using violence. But these people want a new system, one that is governed by force…These riots effectively are the largest Joe Biden for President rally on record…

“Donald Trump’s response to these riots, which is ongoing, is the singular test of his presidency. About an hour ago, the president announced that he’s going to marshal all available forces — military and civilian — to stop these riots…

“What Americans want most right now is an end to this chaos. They want their cities to be saved. They want this to stop immediately. If the commander-in-chief cannot stop it, he will lose in November. The left will blame him for the atrocities they encouraged, and some voters will agree.

“Donald Trump is the president. Presidents save countries. That’s their job. That’s why we hire them. It’s that simple.

“Some key advisers around the president don’t seem to understand this or the gravity of the moment. No matter what happens, they’ll tell you, our voters aren’t going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got to vote for us.

“Jared Kushner, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Donald Trump’s voters than Jared Kushner does, and no one expresses it more frequently.

“In 2016, Donald Trump ran as a law and order candidate because he meant it, and his views remain fundamentally unchanged today. But the president’s famously sharp instincts, the ones that won him the presidency almost four years ago, have been since subverted at every level by Jared Kushner. This is true on immigration, on foreign policy, and especially on law enforcement…”

By the way, does anyone even remember the “good” old days of the COVID-19 pandemic and all those quaint rules about the lockdown, sheltering in place, staying home, and social distancing?

Does anyone recall how government officials, primarily Democrats, condemned peaceful, grassroots protesters merely for wanting to go back to work?