In an interview with The Daily Caller, strident anti-Trump Hollywood and entertainment industry gossip blogger Perez Hilton admitted that, in general, agrees with the president about ending birthright citizenship, prompting an immediate backlash.

“The gossip king says he has been called a ‘racist’ among other nasty names on social media since he made the remarks a couple weeks ago. He also says he lost a thousand Twitter followers over it,” TDC reported.

“American citizenship should only be given to people who are born here whose parents are here legally, at least one the two parents are here legally,” Hilton recently told Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill. See the clip below.

Hilton added that he was not commenting on the 14th amendment and instead was only opining “in a vacuum about this one topic that I had strong feelings about,” especially given instances of system-gaming birth tourism to the U.S. from various countries around the world.

In their dialogue, Hamill noted that no European country grants birthright citizenship.

Although Hilton appears in 2016 post-election liberal meltdown video compilations, he almost sounds reasonable in the Hamill interview. Hilton described himself as a “straight-up centrist” and a “progressive centrist” who would be willing to vote third party if a viable option along those lines existed.