In a revealing interview with FBN’s Maria Bartiromo about U.S-China trade relations, a corporate CEO explained that globalist Wall Street “titans” and Clinton-Bush-Obama advisers enabled China’s economic power rather than protecting U.S. manufacturing sector and the U.S. workforce.

He explained that in the short term, Wall Street’s interests and America’s interests are not the same. “Short-term gain, long-term pain is the way Wall Street operates,” said Cambria CEO Marty Davis.

Davis added that these so-called experts and elitists pushed a false free trade narrative that led to the massive U.S.-China trade imbalance:

“You cannot have free trade with a foreign dictatorship, a communist dictatorship. who’s frankly just harvesting the prosperity of an American democracy….[President Trump] is the only one fighting for the middle class. Wall Street is not.”

President Trump and his team are trying to reform the ghastly one-sided trade relationship with China, including imposing tariffs on imports to try to level the playing field, despite the bellyaching from big business , the political and media class, and other assorted crony capitalists and corporate socialists.

If Trump loses in 2020, the corporate globalists will resume business as usual, and China will continue to expand its political, military, and economic tentacles across the globe.

The U.S. trade deficit with China in 2018 alone was more than $400 billion.

Watch the interview below and draw your own conclusions:

Observed blogger Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse:

“This is another one of the rare interviews where an American CEO calls out the specifics of how Wall Street greed created the China problem that pummeled Main Street. Cambria CEO Marty Davis discusses the root of the trade issues with China and President Trump’s efforts to address the problem.  He accurately calls attention to the origin of the issue; and then brilliantly explains the current consequences of decisions made by an alignment of Wall Street interests and powerful U.S. politicians.”

You may recall that Bill Clinton was accused of allowing sensitive technology to flow from America to China in exchange for re-election campaign contributions.

[Featured image credit: enriquelopezgarre/Pixabay]