Although he is at times just trolling his foes, let’s stipulate that U.S. President Donald Trump stirs up controversies or lashes out in disputes that he should avoid. Sometimes using imprecise language, the bombastic POTUS is also using his platform to communicate to the electorate over the heads of the hostile news media.

The polarizing, abrasive president and former real estate mogul and reality TV star is a salesman and not a detail guy to be sure, which causes the beltway echo chamber to brand him a liar,  but as FNC’s Greg Gutfeld has noted, he should be judged on his deeds  — such as a booming economy among other accomplishments — rather than words.

In September 2016, journalist Selena Zito famously wrote in The Atlantic in reference to the skeptical blue-check media’s fact-checking Trump’s claims (something that Obama was never subjected to), ”the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

Moreover, if Donald Trump is a racist as his detractors claim, he is doing a bad job at racism, in that minority employment has reached an all-time high. He is also a wholly ineffective racist/white supremacist given his Jewish daughter and grandchildren and who stands 100 percent with Israel (including moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, which his predecessors only gave lip service to despite a longstanding federal law requiring the relocation).

If he is a champion of fascism and authoritarianism, he is also failing miserably at that too; no fascist would allow virtually the the entire media, Hollywood, the opposition political party (and some members of his own party) to bash him 24/7 in the most belligerent, often profane way.

By the way, wasn’t it Obama — who has just returned to the campaign trail –who spied on journalists, prosecuted whistleblowers, and unleashed the IRS on his political opponents? t’s ironic, isn’t it. how the media and political ridiculed Mitt Romney unmercifully when he warned about Russia’s intentions. Remember too that Obama was caught on a hot mic in March 2012 telling then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility”  on policy issues after the election.

Even the anonymous alleged senior official in the Trump administration who wrote a scathing anti-Trump editorial in the New York Times, and who FNC’s Howard Kurtz cleverly nicknamed “Deep State Throat,” admitted that “many of [the Trump administration] policies have already made America safer and more prosperous” including “effective deregulation, historic tax reform, a more robust military and more.”

Apparently the New York Times has provided confirmation that the Deep State is not merely a conspiracy theory.

Related: Is Donald Trump a Warmonger or An Appeaser?

In a Breitbart essay responding to the aforementioned Op-Ed and Bob Woodward’s new book, John Nolte weighed in.

“The corrupt establishment is colluding to head fake America into freaking out over Trump’s style while Trump delivers and delivers and delivers on the substance, on things that actually  matter.Trump has an erratic management style.

“So what?  I’m supposed to care he burns people out, dresses them down, demands they do crazy stuff like at long last win one of these endless neocon wars?

“So what?

“I don’t care how Trump makes his decisions, I care about the end result of those decisions…

“How about if we focus on the substance for just a moment…

“Our economy is booming for the first time in a freakin’ decade, manufacturing jobs are finally coming back, North Korea has stopped launching missiles, the War on Terror feels like a bad memory, ISIS is no longer lighting people on fire, Putin’s adventurism has been halted, the rule of law is returning to the Supreme Court, someone is finally paying serious attention to the plight of the working class, were out of the Paris Hoax Treaty, the Iran Deal is dead, we’re not funding the Palestinians, we’re not transporting billions in cash to terrorist nations, the media are finally being treated like the Democrat operatives they are, the Obamacare mandate is dead, black and Hispanic unemployment has hit record lows, and, and, and…

“Look at that. Look at all of those accomplishments, all the substantive substance above and tell me again why I’m supposed to give even a scintilla of a damn about Trump’s style…”

Recall that it was the geniuses in the political establishment that dragged America into a needless war in Iraq, turned Libya into an ISIS theme park, and thought it was a great idea for China an and other countries to send the U.S. manufacturing  worker permanently to the unemployment line.