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Hate Crime Hoaxes Occur Frequently, Academic Researchers Contend

In the aftermath of the Jussie Smollett apparent hoax, several college professors have concluded that hate crime hoaxes are more common than popular perception. Chicago cops have charged the Empire actor with disorderly conduct for filing a false police report after a claim that he was assaulted by two MAGA-hat wearing, MAGA-country shouting Trump supporters. Some two dozen detectives investigated the Smollett case in a city that is engulfed in an ongoing gun violence crime wave. Hate crime hoaxes obviously prevent law enforcement authorities from deploying resources to investigate real hate crimes and/or serious felonies. read more

Brexit Prompts U.K. Elected Officials to Go Independent

Under British law, the U.K. is scheduled to officially leave (or exit) the European Union on March 29. Because of opposition to her Brexit withdrawal agreement on both sides of the aisle for different reasons, there are rumblings that Prime Minister Theresa May may seek to extend the two-year, Article 50 deadline. This is occurring despite May’s Conservative Party promising to implement Brexit on schedule. Against this backdrop, seven pro-EU Labor Party members of parliament bolted the party to form The Independent Group [TIG] because Labor has gone hard-left under its leader Jeremy Corbyn and harbors anti-Semites. It’s difficult see how they define themselves as centrists, though, in that they want to keep the U.K. under the thumb of EU bureaucrats. They were later joined by three Conservatives who similarly oppose leaving the EU with no deal. Two additional Labor MP subsequently quit the party in protest over rampant anti-Semitism, Both declined to join TIG, one because he is pro-Brexit. read more

This Tweet Says It All

One of the most disturbing outcomes of the Trump era is exemplified by those establishment conservatives/GOP officials who have gone left merely to collect a paycheck from MSNBC or CNN. These self-important nobodies, displaying their real or feigned Trump Derangement Syndrome, put the “con” in conservative. They oppose Trump even when the president is implementing many of the policies that they supposedly supported over their careers in politics, media, and/or think tanks. read more

Is Kamala Harris Trying to ‘Bake In’ Identity Politics?

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris already has committed two pandering faux pas on the campaign trail and we’re barely into 2019. The ultra-liberal California Democrat and 2020 presidential contender looked shocked when asked about her tweet claiming that the Jussie Smollett MAGA attack (which now appears to be a hoax) was a modern-day lynching. And a family member also rebuked Harris for engaging in identity politics in connection with her new-found support of marijuana legalization. read more

CBS News Correspondent Lara Logan Says Media Is 85 Percent Liberal

In comments that she quipped might constitute “professional suicide,” CBS News Foreign Correspondent, or more specifically ex-CBS News correspondent, Lara Logan told a podcaster that the media is mostly liberal, which should come as no surprise to anyone who is paying attention. It’s unusual, though, that someone employed in the mainstream media would admit to the rampant bias. According to Variety, Logan and CBS supposedly parted ways sometime last year, so maybe that has something to do with her candor. Logan did not mention that she was no longer employed by the network during the interview, however. See the video embedded below. read more

The Deep State Plotted a Coup against the President

Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe essentially confirms in a book that he’s hawking how Deep State, Obama- and Clinton-supporting federal bureaucrats plotted to remove a duly elected U.S. president from office. With all the hysteria about Russia from the Deep State, the media-Democrat complex, and the GOP establishment Never Trumpers (who put the “con” in conservative), the only established collusion appears to be among those anti-Trump entities. Distinguished historian Victor Davis Hanson writes that the “palace coup” failed, but it harmed America by undermining two years of the Trump presidency (“as a result, Trump’s stellar economic and foreign policy record would never earn fifty percent of public support”) and concealed the coordinated “felonious behavior” of current and former federal bureaucrats. Hanson detailed in an compelling essay posted at the American Greatness website what he considers the most far-reaching scandal in American political history. read more

The ‘Deep State’ Is No Longer Just a Conspiracy Theory

The mainstream media, otherwise functioning as the opposition party hand in hand with the Democrats, condemns conspiracy theories, unless “journalists” themselves are pushing a conspiracy theory, such as collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. It turns out that the Deep State, i.e., the term describing know-better, Obama and Clinton-supporting entrenched federal bureaucrats who sought (and seek) to undermine the Trump administration, is real. It appears to have been confirmed by ex-FBI official Andrew McCabe in a 60 Minutes interview. read more

Jussie Smollett MAGA Attack: Yet Another Hate Crime Hoax?

Most of America probably never heard of Empire actor Jesse Smollett who claimed he was a victim of a late-night, racially charged, homophobic MAGA attack during the polar vortex in Chicago. Many Americans likely had an inkling that this was yet another hate crime hoax. The Trump-hating media nonetheless immediately amplified the allegations as did the self-righteous blue-check Twitter cohort and various prominent Democrats when it first broke. Although all the facts are yet to come in from the police investigation, and even the FBI got involved, some news outlets are now reporting that the incident may indeed have been a staged hoax. read more

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