Robert Jonathan's Blog

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Cory ‘Spartacus’ Booker Says ‘I Am Vegan’ to Fight Climate Change

U.S. Senator Cory Booker, who compared himself to Spartacus during a particularly cringeworthy moment in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, thinks the world would be better off going vegan. The New Jersey Democrat says that his own vegetarian to vegan journey started in 1992 when a vegetarian diet gave him more energy, and he subsequently concluded that eggs “didn’t align with [his] spirit.” In the interview with VegNews, the 2020 presidential candidate insisted he would never dictate what Americans can eat or not eat. Liberals seldom try to restrict individual freedom, right? read more

Lou Dobbs Advises Candace Owens to Steer Clear of the ‘H Word’

#Blexit founder Candace Owens is a magnificent spokesperson for the pro-Trump, populist movement. Unfortunately, she went down the same senseless path as Ben Shapiro recently did by making a wholly unnecessary mention of the H word. By now, everyone should realize that liberal blue-check Twitter is going to immediately pounce on any high-profile conservative’s use of the H word, as Lou Dobbs alluded to in the clip below. As this blog previously pointed out with Shapiro, it doesn’t matter if the fake news media takes the use of the H word out of context. That’s what the fake news media does, as do the social justice warriors on anti-social media. read more

CNN Thwarted In Blaming Trump For Virginia Democrat Racism

On fake news CNN this morning, a talking-points-spouting Democrat Congresswoman tried to blame President Trump for a 1980s vintage racist yearbook page under the name of now Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a fellow Democrat. Bernie Sanders-supporting far-left activist Nina Tuner, another panelist sitting with Jake Tapper on the State of the Union set, who nonetheless thinks Trump is a racist, wasn’t buying it, however. read more

Review: ‘White Dragon’ Streaming on Amazon Prime

Content consumers wary of any film or TV series branded as an Amazon Prime Original or Netflix Original may have those feelings justified by White Dragon, an eight-episode mystery drama from the U.K. currently streaming on the retail giant’s video platform. Although the Hong Kong backdrop — both the skyline and the street level — is beautiful, and you’ll appreciate the cinematography especially if you’ve visited there before, the series narrative puts the “drag” in dragon. You may even be sorely tempted to bail as early as episode one when the main character unbelievably can’t figure out how to obtain a phone charging cable in Hong Kong of all places! read more

Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Wrote ‘American Indian’ in Legal Document

Presumed 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, who President Trump has repeatedly mocked with the “Pocahontas” nickname, described herself as “American Indian” when registering as a lawyer in Texas. Perhaps hoping that it would get lost in the State of the Union coverage, the Washington Post published this revelation last night. Originally from Oklahoma, the Massachusetts Democrat and strident Trump foe for a long time insisted that she was part Cherokee based on family folklore but also denied that she used said heritage to qualify for prestigious academic jobs through affirmative action. In October, Sen. Warren released the results of the test that showed she was as minimal as 1/1,024th Native American, however, which is apparently less than the average white person. According to a recent report, Warren has apologized to the Cherokee Nation for publicizing the DNA results. read more

#MeToo Allegation about Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax Surfaces

What’s happening in Democrat politics in the Old Dominion state seems to be giving a new definition to the slogan “Virginia is for lovers.” Gov. Ralph Northam is immersed in scandal over a racist yearbook page. Justin Fairfax, the state’s lieutenant governor, who this weekend seemed headed for the top job as a result, is now denying a sexual assault allegation. The Big League Politics website broke both of these stories. The Washington Post, which unhesitatingly published uncorroborated allegations about Brett Kavanaugh, previously looked into but declined to run the Fairfax story, however. The Post and Fairfax seem partially at odds over an analysis of the incident, however. read more

Is This the Best Mashup Ever? [Video]

Tim Tebow is leading a great life, including upcoming nuptials with a former Miss Universe, despite washing out of the NFL in 2015. The ex-quarterback is also the subject of perhaps the best mashup ever, an addicting video called “All He Does is Win” that received millions of views in its original upload and won a Webby for creator DJ Steve Porter. The clip is embedded below. read more

Meet Ralph Northam, Virginia Gov-DeSelect

Will Ralph Northam still be Virginia’s governor by the end of the day? Almost every prominent Democrat who enthusiastically endorsed his candidacy is now calling for him to resign after the Big League Politics website found a racist medical school yearbook page. Note to fake news CNN: Northam is a Democrat, not a Republican, contrary to your chyron last night. Irony in the extreme, the Trump-hating Northam repeatedly branded GOP rival Ed Gillespie as a racist during the campaign. The Northam controversy once again underscores what the late talk show host Bob Grant often said: particularly in matters of race, liberals are the ultimate hypocrites. Moreover, this is yet another example of how the left accuses the right of what the left is actually guilty of. This is also an occasion where Twitter (see tweets below) is performing a brilliant public service. read more

Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren Reportedly Apologizes for DNA Test-Related Native American Heritage Claim

Presumed 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, who President Trump has repeatedly derided with the “Pocahontas” nickname, has reportedly apologized to the Cherokee Nation released DNA tests that supposedly backed up her long-standing claim that she has Native American ancestry. In October, Sen. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat originally from Oklahoma, released the results of the test that showed she was as minimal as 1/1,024th Native American, which is apparently less than the average white person. “[The test data] was widely viewed as a serious stumble by Warren, with mockery from conservatives over how marginal her claim was and derision from progressives for delving into race science,” the Washington Free Beacon explained. All along, Warren had insisted that she was part Cherokee based on family folklore and also denied that she used said heritage to qualify for prestigious academic jobs through affirmative action. read more

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