Robert Jonathan's Blog

News and commentary: progress in work

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The News Cycle Moves Quickly, Luckily for Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is lucky that the relentless 24-7 news cycle took him off the hook for some really dumb comments at the recent March for Life in Washington, D.C. Some advertisers immediately bailed on sponsoring the political commentator’s podcast, but fortunately for him, the controversy seems to have died down, as explained below. To Shapiro and his apologists: It doesn’t matter if the fake news media took his use of the H word out of context. That’s what the fake news media does, and the smartest guy in the room should have been aware of that. read more

Socialism Is Trending!

Capitalism vs. socialism has become a trendy issue for far-left Democrats (are there any other kind?). Many of them, including various newly elected U.S. House members, as well as the virtual-signaling social justice movement generally, seem to be fascinated by socialism, despite the collapse of Venezuela and many failed states that preceded it. Obviously capitalism is hardly devoid of corruption, but it has created the most prosperous and freest society in world history. Businesses large and small have engaged in wrongdoing, however. And let’s stipulate that on a day-to-day consumer basis in a capitalistic economy, one time or another virtually everyone has been ripped off in connection with a misrepresented product or service. (Are there any “as seen on TV” products that aren’t junk?). Moreover, corporate America has capitulated time and again to the SJW mob. In the private sector workplace, many employees have been treated unfairly and arbitrarily in terms of hiring, firing, pay, and/or promotions. Some workers with legitimate employment-related grievances have even been unable to achieve legal redress in those instances where the unfairness rises to potential illegality. But is socialism, i.e., where a centralized government controls the economy, ever the answer? read more

Fake News BuzzFeed and HuffPost Hit With Real Layoffs

News broke late last week that news outlets/clickbait mills BuzzFeed and HuffPost were laying off a large number of staffers. Being pink slipped is a very unpleasant experience, but journalists at liberal outlets seldom hesitate to try to get others fired (or worse) for politically incorrect transgressions that often turn out to be fake news. Admittedly, it’s tough times generally for digital publishers, with lesser-known online media outlets struggling to generate traffic and revenue as well. Moreover, the highly publicized round of job reductions at the aforementioned two online media companies was preceded by tweaks to censorship-loving Big Tech’s algorithms that undermined the market share of several conservative-leaning websites. read more

Covington Catholic Controversy Appears to Be Another Media Hoax

Even many liberals are admitting that a rush to judgment occurred in the massive condemnation of the MAGA-hat-wearing Covington Catholic High School students after a video went viral on social media. With additional footage of the incident that doesn’t fit the initial narrative, it turns out that Covington teens may have been bullied rather than being bullies at the pro-life event, rendering it yet another example of anti-Trump fake news. Certainly in the aftermath of this incident, moreover, the students been on the receiving end of all kinds of threats. The “opposition party” mainstream media seldom takes any interest in Trump supporters who are harassed, threatened, doxed, or physically assaulted, however. The Kentucky high school itself had to shut down today for safety reasons. read more

NBC News Gives Megyn Kelly 30 Million Reasons to Leave

News broke on Friday night that NBC News and Megyn Kelly have officially parted ways, with the erstwhile Today show host reportedly exiting with the balance owed on her three-year contact, totaling about $30 million. Without providing any details, NBC said in a statement that “The parties have resolved their differences, and Megyn Kelly is no longer an employee of NBC.” The network took Kelly off the air in late October after the host’s controversial Halloween blackface comments (despite her two apologies). Her lawyer and the network were negotiating the severance package ever since. The agreement reportedly contains a confidentiality clause. read more

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