Has the new Stephen Miller hairstyle may have resulted in a reverse Samson effect? The White House senior adviser basically schooled CNN anchor and Democrat apologist/talking-point stenographer Wolf Blitzer on the border security wall, bringing home U.S. troops from Syria, and Gen. James Mattis’ resignation.

One memo that well-meaning folks like Sean Spicer apparently never received, but Miller did, is that when you appear on CNN, you must go on offense.

Revenge of the Nerds 2.0

Miller, who could benefit from avoiding uptalk in declarative sentences, didn’t mince words.

“The media that is having this hysterical reaction to James Mattis retiring is the same media in many cases, the same politicians in many cases, who cheered our nation into a war in Iraq that turned out to be an absolutely catastrophe. This president got elected to get our foreign policy back on the right track after years of being adrift. One foreign policy blunder after another in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya…”

Many of those blue-check Twitter types who are mocking Stephen Miller are hardly paragons of masculinity. More importantly, nor do they have the command of the facts and the commitment to the MAGA agenda exhibited by Stephen Miller.

Stephen Miller also weighed on the Democrats open-borders obsession:

“They voted against Kate’s law, they voted against ending sanctuary cities, they voted against deporting MS-13 gang members [and] violent criminals, they voted…against a physical border wall…if Democrats don’t want the government shut down, support border security…the cost of the wall is pennies compared to the cost of illegal immigration…”

Watch the entire interview below:

For those keeping score at home, did the political and media establishment suffer a similar hysterical meltdown when Obama pulled U.S. troops from Iraq (which created an immediate vacuum for ISIS) or when he abruptly fired Gen. Mattis as head of Central Command?

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul supports the removal of troops from Syria. He noted that ISIS forces there have been primarily defeated, and apart from that, we never should have intervened in a civil war there.