Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey announced today that Congresswoman Martha McSally will finish out the term of the late Sen. John McCain after Sen. Jon Kyl steps down on December 31. 

Kyl had agreed to return to the Senate on a temporary basis after McCain passed on from brain cancer.

In the 2018 midterms, Arizona somehow narrowly “elected” to the U.S. Senate a far-left activist pretending to be a moderate,  Kyrsten Sinema, over U.S. Air Force hero McSally — the first American woman to fly in combat. McSally was ahead on Election Night.

“In a strange twist, McSally will serve alongside Democratic Senator-elect Kyrsten Sinema, who defeated her in a tight election in November,” the Washington Free Beacon noted.

There was some chatter that McSally would be sworn in first, making her the senior senator from the state, for what that’s worth. In today’s press conference, Gov. Ducey revealed, however, that on January 3, Sinema would take the oath before McSally 

Predictably, delusional, selectively outraged liberal blue-check Twitter accused Ducey of appointing a “loser” to the Senate, as if a war hero like retired Colonel and U.S. Rep. McSally, who received one million-plus votes in November, in any way, shape, or form could be considered a loser, regardless of who the public perceives her political views.

That same cohort, and their media stooges, implied (or more than implied) that Ducey was thwarting the will of the people by appointing McSally.

If any thwarting occurred, it was the cheating apparently perpetrated by the Democrats against McSally in Maricopa County and perhaps elsewhere in the state that handed the election a week later to Congresswoman Sinema “as thousands of votes for the Democrat candidate mysteriously appeared,” the Gateway Pundit recalled.

Ever notice how the left accuses the right of theoretical behavior that the left actually engages in?

While McSally oddly sought donations for a recount, she nonetheless conceded the election and made no public comment about alleged voter fraud. Perhaps she was already promised McCain’s seat and decided not to rock the boat. The appointment apparently won the qualified approval of Cindy McCain, the senator’s widow.

Martha McSally will face a special election in 2020  to complete Sen. McCain’s term. If  successful, she will be able to seek a full, six-year term in 2022. That means she will be on the ballot in three consecutive elections.

In the meantime, given what happened in Arizona and in California, the GOP needs to be wake up and #StoptheSteal.