– Kavanaugh being sworn onto the Supreme Court
– Trump signing the Commission Appointing Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
News and commentary: progress in work
– Kavanaugh being sworn onto the Supreme Court
– Trump signing the Commission Appointing Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
A year into her job as the host of Megyn Kelly Today, most media outlets have perhaps unfairly stopped triumphantly reporting about the lackluster ratings that Megyn Kelly is apparently still drawing for the 9 a.m. Eastern slot for the NBC NewsToday show franchise.
The fear-mongering and demonization started even before President Trump named anyone to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, as evidence by the fill-in-the-blank, boiler-plate statement from the Women’s March embedded below.
President Donald Trump is set to announce his Supreme Court nominee tomorrow night at around 9 p.m. Eastern time. Some so-called pundits (usually among the Never Trump GOP cohort) have touted U.S. Senator Mike Lee of Utah. Ted Cruz, who received Lee’s endorsement for president in 2016, also recommended his friend and colleague for the high court.
The Supreme Court vacancy in another item on the world-is-coming-to-an-end list for the social justice cohort.
The upcoming July 9 announcement by President Trump for Kennedy’s successor can get added to the inventory of hysterical reactions that includes Trump’s tweets about little rocket man, in the alternative when Trump sat down for peace talks with Kim Jong Un, when Congress passed the Trump tax cuts, when Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, when he exited the Iran Nuclear Deal, when so-called net neutrality was repealed, and so forth.
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