Hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug that the FDA has cleared for off-label use such as treating those with COVID-19, has made headlines, especially now that President Trump is taking it (plus zinc) as a precautionary measure.

Many doctors across the country and around the world claim that the have achieved success in treating coronavirus-infected patients with HCQ.

That the substance could save lives has made the medical establishment version of the Deep State, along with elected Democrats and most media outlets, very angry for some weird reason connected to irrational Trump loathing.

And don’t even mention around any “journalist” the possible use of vitamins C or D as helpful.

While a vaccine for COVID is under development, does the Democrat base need an emotional therapeutic for Trump Derangement Syndrome?

In a 1,200 piece published by the American Thinker, David Prentice explains that the left as intially encouraged by the Hillary Clinton campaign has become possessed by pathological hatred of Trump, who was a former Democrat and independent before running for president on the 2016 Republican ticket:

“I am not speaking of debate forcefully expressed, or of passionate opposition.  I am speaking of hostile, irrational, blood boiling, bug eyed, beyond the pale, unstable, demented, wild, aberrant insanity.  Thatā€™s what we have witnessed since Donald Trump entered politics.  This hatred increasing with every successful Trump accomplishment and every failed attempt to remove him from office…

“Letā€™s speak of origins.   The media has long since passed into this frothing madness of Trump hatred.  It began when he burst onto the scene as he fought so effectively against so many of their pet narratives.  Illegal immigration, globalization, America first, a good economy, etc.  He fought their left-leaning narratives and won the Republican nomination.  He fought even harder, winning the presidency.  Already unforgiven before he won, it was as if a valve of unending sewage filled with hatred was opened onto everyone and everything.  The left-leaning media, known as the MSM had gone over the edge.  They lied, cheated, deceived, and basically lost any credibility they may have ever had.  Russia, Kavanaugh, Ukraine, impeachment and now their insane disinformation reporting on Covid-19.

Prentice lays this at the doorstep of Team Clinton which portrayed Trump as an unhinged bigot.

“This was the Hillary campaignā€™s design; proclaim why it was mandatory to hate Trump.  Portray him as a dangerous bigot.  When he won, the narrative had been set in the minds of the entire media.  It was etched in the hearts of every left-leaning journalist, along with the #nevertrumpers.  They didnā€™t realize what was done to them.  Clinton lost the election, but her campaign affected her supporters in a terrible way…

Prentice insists that a Trump victory in November 2020 is vital as a way to prevent the left’s hatred to metastasize:

“I have witnessed this irrational hatred in ordinary Democrat voters many times now.  It comes from a media who has assimilated this hatred to a frothing point…Alphabet network anchors and commentators…do control themselves (slightly) better than the average Democrat voter, but itā€™s clear, they have driven themselves way over the edge by assimilating this hatred that had been unleashed by the Clinton campaign.  You can find clips almost daily of anyone in the left-leaning media business and see how vicious and hate-filled they are…”

If there is any cohort that needs herd immunity from Trump Derangement Syndrome, it is the Democrat-media complex.

While claiming that HCQ is unproven as an effective COVID prophylactic, David Harsanyi of the Never Trump National Review assessed the overwrought media response:

“[W]eā€™re often lectured that killing an unborn baby is a decision made solely by a woman in conjunction with her doctor. Yet taking hydroxychloroquine is apparently a joint decision between a man, his doctor, every Democrat in congress, all the anchors on CNN, and an entire slate of New York Times op-ed columnists.”

Nor is their evidence that hydroxchloroquine can kill you, as some deranged pundits insist:

“What the FDA recently noted is that there are elevated risks associated with COVID-19 patients taking the medication, which is entirely different. As far as I know, Trump has never explicitly instructed Americans to take it. What I do know is that hundreds of thousands of young people who use the drug, often to save their lives, are hearing media personalities and politicians liken it to cyanide. Hundreds of thousands of older men and women who take hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis are hearing media personalities and politicians telling them their lives are danger.

“The conscientious way to cover Trumpā€™s hydroxychloroquine usage would be to point out that thereā€™s no proof that the drug will help treat the coronavirus, though tests are still ongoing. Instead, we are subjected to an overwrought lecture series of nasty, childish, partisan attacks and misleading stories about a couple ingesting fish-tank cleaner…

“Now, it should be noted that there are all kinds of side effects to commonly used drugs.

“Scientists have approved hydroxychloroquine for 70 years; every day doctors prescribe it on- and off-label.  If Trump and his doctor think itā€™s okay for him to take it, thatā€™s his business…

“Whether hydroxychloroquine will be useful in this particular fight is yet to be determined. But COVID-19 aside, the drug doesnā€™t ‘kill people.’ It saves people. The fearmongering isnā€™t helping anyone.”