Conservative firebrand Laura Loomer has handcuffed herself to the front door of Twitter headquarters in New York City to protest online censorship and is live-streaming the encounter. Twitter recently put Loomer’s account on a permanent suspension.

Update: the NYPD has reportedly arrested Laura Loomer.

Although Loomer — who often uses the left’s confrontational tactics against them — is receiving criticism by dismissive liberals and conservatives, especially the blue-check Twitter cohort, the demonstration continues with a heavy police presence. It doesn’t appear that she is leaving anytime soon.

That said, in this era of politically motivated social media suspensions, outright bans, shadowbanning,  de-platforming, de-monetization, inflated or squelched trends, and so on, is this form of street theater completely out of line?

In June 2017, Loomer, an independent journalist, rushed the stage at Shakespeare in the Park during a contemporary interpretation of Julius Caesar to protest the the assassination of a Trump lookalike in the play’s Caesar role.