News and commentary: progress in work

Author: Robert (Page 41 of 56)

‘CIA TV’ Pushed Trump-Russia Collusion Scam for Profit, Liberal Journalist Claims

Did  MSNBC and CNN, among other mainstream (or fakestream) “news” organizations, obsess over the Russia collusion narrative like it was a ratings-driven “as seen on TV” product? For instance, Glenn Greenwald was one of just a handful of left-wing journalists expressing skepticism about allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. In an appearance with Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, Greenwald maintained that the 24-7, anti-Trump drumbeat by “CIA TV” was a wholly unethical, exploitative, and divisive way to make money. Special Counsel Mueller’s report has now cleared President Trump and others of any collusion or obstruction allegations. read more

Broward County Lawyer Sucker-Punched by Defendant in Court [Video]

Broward County, Fla., bond court is one of the more entertaining YouTube channels. The video content for each day the court is in session gives viewers a sense of how the court system operates. Even given the judges’ varied and sometimes engaging personalities, the court almost always finds probable cause for the charges in the short hearings handled via video. Judges do adjust the bond amounts downward, however, or resolve cases based on time served, however. Suspects held on serious, violent felonies sit side by side with those facing relatively minor misdemeanors. With so many defendants crowded into the main hearing room, viewers probably have wondered about security. Appropriately so, especially given the lackluster reputation of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office. read more

Theresa May Is a Three-Time Loser

The U.K. House of Parliament today voted down Theresa May’s Brexit withdrawal agreement for a third time. It was a smaller defeat (344 to 286) than the previous two tries, but a loss nonetheless. Several stalwart Conservative Brexiteers such as Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg reluctantly voted for the deal only because they concluded the alternative was no Brexit at all. The Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland, whose 10 MPs have kept May’s coalition in power, held firm and once again voted against it. While Labor is mostly pro-EU, their MPs for the most part nonetheless voted against the deal for political reasons. The Remain-dominated Parliament, including PM May, has already and foolishly ruled out a no-deal Brexit, which would trigger WTO rules, even though various public- and private-sector entities have come forward to say that they are prepared for that eventuality. Opinion polls suggest that the general public and rank-and-file Conservative Party members favor getting out of the EU without a deal. read more

Trump Sounds Off on Collusion

With the imminent release of the Mueller report on alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, President Donald Trump outlined what he considers the real collusion that had an impact on the 2016 election. In an interview Thursday morning with FBN’s Maria Bartiromo, the president had this to say about collusion which could lead to potential regulation of social media to prevent censorship: read more

Brexit Postponement Sought by Theresa May

“Theresa the appeaser,” as some call her, has done it again. After repeatedly promising the British electorate that Brexit means Brexit, that the U.K. would officially leave the European Union on March 29, and that no deal is better than a bad deal, Prime Minister Theresa May has announced tonight in a televised address that she has asked the European Commission to extend the departure date to June 30. EU official Donald Tusk has said that the EU would agree to the three-month extension under the Lisbon Treaty only if the U.K. parliament first approves May’s negotiated withdrawal agreement, which Brexit champion Nigel Farage has described as a surrender document, and which the House of Commons has voted down twice already. Ironically, this Catch-22, however, means that a no-deal Brexit is still possible. read more

Twitter Hit with $250 Million Lawsuit

Congressman Devin Nunes is suing Twitter for defamation in a filing that he says is the first of many. Nunes, a California Republican who headed the House Intelligence Committee (which made him a target of the far left or alt left), is seeking money damages totaling $250 million (a trendy number) for defamation from the social media network, among other forms of requested relief. He also maintains that Twitter shadow-banned him and others. Although the president has spoken about and tweeted about social network bias, neither the Trump administration or possibly compromised GOP lawmakers collectively have taken any substantive steps to address against social media censorship as yet. Nunes has taken the matter into his own hands. read more

‘Live PD’ Officer Andrea Zendejas Involved In Alleged DUI Accident: Report

El Paso, Texas, cop Andrea Zendejas, often featured on the ride-along TV show Live PD, was a passenger in an alleged early morning DUI-related car crash. According to the El Paso Times, which obtained a police complaint affidavit, Zendejas’ face “was covered with blood” after the accident. Fortunately her injuries are described as minor. The driver of the Dodge Ram pickup that allegedly rear-ended a parked Mazda, Officer Thomas Sneed, 39, has also appeared on the hit reality series. Sneed was reportedly driving Zendejas to a friend’s residence after they left a bar near police headquarters when the accident occurred. read more

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