In yet another example how wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat can be hazardous, a man identifying himself as a DACA recipient was assaulted on a Los Angeles college campus.

In the video, a woman appears to knock the MAGA hat off the student’s head.

From Big League Politics:

“While filming at California State University-Los Angeles, independent journalist Austen Fletcher, known online as Fleccas, attempted to interview a DACA recipient who both supports President Donald J. Trump and is concerned about the future of the First Amendment on college campuses when a person, apparently a fellow UCLA student, approached the pro-Trump student and hit him on his head to remove his hat….

“He immediately approaches the woman, saying ‘By the way, I’m a DREAMer. Just so you know, you just assaulted a DREAMer.’”

In the video, the student tells Fleccas that “the Democratic Party essentially uses immigrants as pawns. That’s all we are to them. That’s why they want open borders…the welfare state, the expansion of government, has nothing to do with the well being of the poor people but has everything to do with the ego of the elites.”

Fleccas’ YouTube channel contains an inventory of his amusing street-level interviews with SJWs encountered during marches and demonstrations.

See also:

What is DACA?

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy created by a 2012 Obama executive order postponed deportation for approximately 800,000 undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. before age 16 and prior to June 2007 and granted them work permits renewable on a two-year basis along with certain government benefits. Most so-called DREAMers are now said to be in the mid-20s age range. Historically, government programs underestimate the number of people affected and the costs involved, especially in this instance when chain migration is in play, so eligible individuals could be in the millions. The DREAMer terminology evolved from the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (i.e., the DREAM Act) that never passed Congress and which prompted ex-President Obama to invoke an executive action, even though more than 20 times, Obama admitted that he lacked the authority to bypass Congress and unilaterally change immigration law