This recent discussion between U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) and CNN host Kaitlan Collins is yet another example of so much of what goes on in the news media is merely transactional.

News and commentary: progress in work
This recent discussion between U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) and CNN host Kaitlan Collins is yet another example of so much of what goes on in the news media is merely transactional.
No valentines for conservative news sites? Questions have emerged as to why some right-wing, or presumed right-wing, outlets seemingly consider certain topics off limits.
It was just about two weeks ago (but seems like ages) when U.S. Sen. Martha McSally brushed off a CNN reporter as a liberal hack in a brief exchange outside a committee room, an encounter that dominated the hysterical news cycle. Apart from a few exceptions, is there any other kind of reporter?
In essence, Donald Trump is a salesman who came from the business world where perception may or may not be reality. When the president starts riffing during a rally or press conference, he sometimes gets details wrong or expresses thoughts poorly. As writer Salena Zito once noted, “When he makes claims…the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally. “
Year-end is a time for reflection and all sorts of lists. With that in mind, the Daily Caller compiled a list of what it considers the greatest, i.e., the worst, hate crime hoaxes of 2019 that the mainstream media pushed as legit. See the video embedded below.
As a business mogul, U.S. President Donald Trump sued people and got sued. He often won either in court or via out-of-court settlements (the latter process which resolves most lawsuits). In the aftermath of a series of undercover videos released by muckraker James O’Keefe and the Project Veritas crew, the Trump campaign says it intends to sue CNN, whose motto probably should be revised to “the most dis-trusted name in news.”
The Republicans have a lot of explaining to do. Among other issues, the Iraq War was a disaster, they failed to cut the federal budget deficit when they controlled Congress, and former House Speaker Paul Ryan didn’t even lift a finger in 2018 to keep the House in GOP hands. He also played games with funding (or non-funding) the border wall.
While many were celebrating the July 4th holiday or obsessing on where NBA free-agent superstar Kawhi Leonard would land (literally or figuratively), Make Cernovich made his crowed-sourced documentary film Hoaxed currently available for free via online streaming.
U.S. President Donald Trump was voluntarily absent from the head table on Saturday night at the Washington Hilton Hotel ballroom. And you can add this to the list of Trump administration accomplishments: In removing himself from the guest list, the president rendered the so-called nerd prom — the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner– irrelevant by boycotting the “once ultra-trendy, star-studded” event for three consecutive years.
Russiagate turned out to be “Deflategate” in that the Mueller report deflated the 24-7 media narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin. Against that backdrop, Aaron Maté joins an exclusive club, consisting of Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Michael Tracey, and Caitlin Johnstone and just a few other anti-Trump, left-wing/progressive journalists essentially concluding that the whole thing indeed was an establishment/media-driven hoax, if not a coup attempt against a sitting president.
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