No valentines for conservative news sites? Questions have emerged as to why some right-wing, or presumed right-wing, outlets seemingly consider certain topics off limits.

News and commentary: progress in work
No valentines for conservative news sites? Questions have emerged as to why some right-wing, or presumed right-wing, outlets seemingly consider certain topics off limits.
The corporate media has devoted a lot of bandwidth to a discussion about how Murdoch-owned news media channels have supposedly turned against former U.S. President Donald Trump, an already announced 2024 candidate for his old job.
Some quarters of the GOP establishment, along with the Never Trumpers, and the liberal media are trying to shame or scapegoat former President Trump for the lackluster performance by Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections.
Democrats and their allied, litigious “civil rights” groups probably think that the application of voter ID laws are is worse than waterboarding. Aimed at voter fraud, these laws merely require someone to show a government-issued photo identification (or an alternative form of identification) to vote. If a stoner can come up with a proper ID to gain legal access to weed, any American citizen should be able to obtain same from the DMV. It also seems like a disrespectful form of paternalism or victimhood projection to argue that a certain constituency is incapable of getting an ID. Moreover, Dems whine about voter suppression, which is simply a way to take even minimal level steps to prevent them from stuffing the ballot box with illegal votes. Yet, a new academic study concludes that “strict” voter ID laws have no statistically significant effect at the polling place.
Democrats and their media sycophants have ignored or dismissed voter fraud around the country, even in instances when indictments occur. But they have suddenly concluded that “nonexistent” voter fraud is real and needs to be thoroughly investigated because it allegedly may have benefited the Republican candidate in a North Carolina congressional district.
Even if you are no fan of the GOP, you have to wonder why this trend only favor California Democrats in the 2018 midterms.
California, one of many no-photo-ID states, has purposely lax voting procedures implemented by Dems to insure their stranglehold on state government, but the run of good luck seems like a statistical oddity.
Can’t win for losing
Is a “superior ground game” a euphemism for something else? And why is the Republican Party so timid and ineffectual about challenging these outcomes?
Nearby Arizona somehow narrowly elected to the U.S. Senate a far-left activist over U.S. Air Force hero Martha McSally. While McSally oddly sought donations for a recount, she nonetheless conceded the election and had little say about Maricopa County chicanery.
There are various theories why the GOP standard-bearer lost, but her lukewarm support of President Trump, who campaigned with and for several successful Senate hopefuls, obviously didn’t help.
From the Washington Free Beacon:
‘The Arizona Republican Party announced Thursday it will conduct an independent audit of the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office after legal issues and other complaints arose in the days-long count to decide Arizona’s next senator.
“After Election Day, about 650,000 votes were not yet tallied in counties across Arizona, but the lion’s share of those outstanding ballots resided in Maricopa County, the fourth-largest county in the country.
“The vote count in the race between Martha McSally (R.,) and the eventual winner Kyrsten Sinema (D.,) went on for six more days beyond Election Day, in which time the GOP sued Maricopa County questioning how long the county could ‘cure’ ballots where the signature on the ballot was not a good enough match to the voter’s signature on file.In instances such as this, the recorder’s office may contact the voter to verify the ballot. However, some recorder’s offices stopped this “curing” process when polls closed at 7 p.m. local time on Election Day, while Maricopa County continued to cure ballots beyond that…
‘In addition to the lawsuit, the GOP raised questions over the decision by Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes to open ’emergency voting’ centers, which were available on the Saturday and Monday before Election Day.”
Maybe McSally’s silence is because she received word that the Arizona governor has decided to appoint her to finish out the late Sen. John McCain’s term after Jon Kyl steps down in January.
The so-called independent audit is all well and good but won’t change the 2018 outcome. Doesn’t Congresswoman McSally have a solemn obligation to her voters to raise questions about the Election Day procedures?
GOP apparently prevails in Florida
In Florida, GOP Congressman Ron DeSantis appears to have won the governor’s election. Far-left Democrat Andrew Gillum, the Tallahassee mayor, is still complaining, as is George loser Stacy Abrams defeated by Brian Kemp. Remember when everyone came unglued because Trump suggested that he might not accept the results of the 2016 election if it appeared that fraud was in play?
According to the Naples News, Florida Democrats had a plan.
“A day after Florida’s election left top state races too close to call, a Democratic party leader directed staffers and volunteers to share altered election forms with voters to fix signature problems on absentee ballots after the state’s deadline. The altered forms surfaced in Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus and Okaloosa counties and were reported to federal prosecutors to review for possible election fraud as Florida counties completed a required recount in three top races…
“One Palm Beach Democratic activist said in an interview the idea was to have voters fix and submit as many absentee ballots as possible with the altered forms in hopes of later including them in vote totals if a judge ruled such ballots were allowed.”
To his credit, and unlike many Milquetoast GOP office holders, Sen. Marco Rubio has been vocal on Twitter about the rampant election law violations if not outright voter fraud in Broward and elsewhere.
No evidence of fraud in #FloridaElection?
Dems got voters to use altered forms to fix & submit as many mail ballots as possible after FL deadline in hopes that a judge would later order state to count them.
Today that’s exactly what a federal judge did.
These miraculous conjuring of votes in close elections that only seem to favor Democrats should be unacceptable at face value in a industrialized democracy. The Republican Party, or any other similarly situated political organization, needs to wake up and respond aggressively rather than passively to voter fraud.
Herrell, who has not conceded the election but has at the same time been vague about what steps she might take to contest the election other than “looking into it,” has served four terms in the New Mexico state house.
Gosh, it's a wonderful country where Republican voters are cut off when Election Day ends, but Democrats can keep voting until they win. #BrowardCountyFraud #BrowardElection
Even if you disagree with them, it’s not just the lack of photo ID in many states that enables voter fraud when somebody can cast a ballot without actually proving who they are. It’s the country’s lax voter procedures generally.
This includes the primitive process for registering to vote in he first place. Add to that absentee ballots, provisional ballots, late-discovered ballots, same-day registration, voters on the rolls in more than one state, walking around money, illegal aliens voting, corrupt government officials facilitating shenanigans, and all the rest of it that enables voter fraud chicanery that is currently in play in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, and elsewhere. This is inexcusable in any high-tech, economically advanced country.
The federal Motor-Voter law signed by Bill Clinton plus states that grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants is a double-dose of potential voter fraud. The Daily Caller reported that California officials have already admitted that about 1,500 undocumented immigrants were registered to vote. That’s probably the tip of the iceberg. Vote fraud is probably what has helped make the formerly Golden State reliably blue.
Rick Scott was up by 50,000+ votes on Election Day, now they “found” many votes and he is only up 15,000 votes. “The Broward Effect.” How come they never find Republican votes?
“I give you mercy” is Z Nation’s signature catchphrase when one of the principals puts an about-to-turn victim out of his or her misery. In this context, mercy has also become a verb.
Now in Season 5, the quirky and campy series which some have described as a horror comedy is a far more entertaining flesh-eater opus than The Walking Dead. The latter, now in its 9th season on AMC, could be a dead show walking as its viewership continues to drastically decay.
Former fans apparently don’t even want to hate-watch the show anymore. According to Deadline Hollywood, “the future is increasingly bleak” for TWD as a result of the ratings hitting all-time lows since its October debut.
The action-packed and lower budget Z Nation is simply a lot more fun to watch than TWD, given the latter’s mostly dour characters with their repetitive, tedious moralizing about zombie apocalypse ethics, a narrative that treads water for episodes in succession, inexplicable and absurd plot developments, and self-righteous characters who ping-pong from pacifism to stone-cold killers and then back to pacifism. Then there is the disproportionate face-time for a peripheral character who you know won’t be alive at the end of the episode.
Despite ongoing hand-to-hand combat with zombies, it was only in TWD Season 8, moreover,that the show revealed that a survivor might get sick from being covered in zombie blood or guts.
The departure of stars Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan (who play Rick Grimes and Maggie Rhee, respectively) isn’t helping matters any. It also calls into serious question why the showrunners decided to kill off Carl, Rick Grimes’ TV son (Chandler Riggs) who was poised to become the next-generation leader of the survivors. [AMC subsequently announced that it was planning several original Rick Grimes-focused movies for the TWD universe.]
With that in mind, TWD has received criticism online for too much chat and not enough splat.
Filmed in Washington state, the “cheesy” Z Nation has featured the following that you will never see on Georgia-based The Walking Dead: a giant zombie-killing cheese wheel, zombies on Viagra, zombie pole dancers, the iconic Liberty Bell in Philadelphia pulverizing zombies, a communicative zombie named “grandpa,” Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin as an autograph-signing zombie, a struggle with a drug cartel which trafficked in “Z weed,” and the birth of a zombie-human hybrid zombaby, who aged after a very rapid, apocalyptic growth spurt, and who was played by several different actresses.
Is Z Nation‘s tone getting too serious?
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