Clifton Duncan is a Broadway actor blessed with a mellifluous speaking voice whose career “came to a screeching halt” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

News and commentary: progress in work
Clifton Duncan is a Broadway actor blessed with a mellifluous speaking voice whose career “came to a screeching halt” during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A new poll released by the Gallup and Knight Foundation indicates that America has a low regard for the news media, with only 26 percent having a favorable impression of the journalism industry.
The corporate media has devoted a lot of bandwidth to a discussion about how Murdoch-owned news media channels have supposedly turned against former U.S. President Donald Trump, an already announced 2024 candidate for his old job.
That Joe Biden is embroiled in a scandal involving the alleged mishandling of classified documents is yet another example of how Democrats have shamelessly turned projection into performance art.
Hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug that the FDA has cleared for off-label use such as treating those with COVID-19, has made headlines, especially now that President Trump is taking it (plus zinc) as a precautionary measure.
It’s difficult to believe that anyone actually watches The View. For those who follow the media industry, it’s probably a matter of just hearing about the latest cat fight on the dreary ABC daytime talk show and then checking out the clip on social media.
As we enter 2020 and a new decade, media pundits among the blue-check Twitter brigade should strongly consider making a new year’s resolution to avoid rushing to judgment with hot takes that can sometimes ruin lives.
As a business mogul, U.S. President Donald Trump sued people and got sued. He often won either in court or via out-of-court settlements (the latter process which resolves most lawsuits). In the aftermath of a series of undercover videos released by muckraker James O’Keefe and the Project Veritas crew, the Trump campaign says it intends to sue CNN, whose motto probably should be revised to “the most dis-trusted name in news.”
The Republicans have a lot of explaining to do. Among other issues, the Iraq War was a disaster, they failed to cut the federal budget deficit when they controlled Congress, and former House Speaker Paul Ryan didn’t even lift a finger in 2018 to keep the House in GOP hands. He also played games with funding (or non-funding) the border wall.
Most people go through day-to-day life without being consumed by politics. For them, politics is an afterthought. That’s kind of the way it should be and is perhaps the best argument for the smallest-possible government.
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