Now that both the House of Commons and the House of Lords approved the necessary enabling legislation, the U.K. will formally exit the European Union on January 31 at 11 p.m. local time at long last.

News and commentary: progress in work
Now that both the House of Commons and the House of Lords approved the necessary enabling legislation, the U.K. will formally exit the European Union on January 31 at 11 p.m. local time at long last.
In yet another example how wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat can be hazardous, a man identifying himself as a DACA recipient was assaulted on a Los Angeles college campus.
Two men who allegedly assaulted Germantown, Md., resident Atsu Mable, a Trump supporter, are in police custody. Mable, an immigrant from Togo, was merely walking in his neighborhood last Saturday evening after dinner while wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat when the duo confronted him.
An older man minding his own business at a Palo Alto, Cal., Starbucks apparently triggered a woman merely because he was wearing a MAGA hat, according to news reports. The woman who tried to bully him, described by Palo Alto Online as a member of a local progressive Democrat organization, accused the 74 year old of being a Nazi and racist. It turns out the man is Jewish. A music store where the woman worked subsequently fired her.
Ever notice how the left actually engages in the very behavior that it accuses the right of doing? It’s happened again. Police at the University of Berkeley, the “birthplace of the free speech movement,” say that have identified an individual who is suspected of physically assaulting a conservative activist who was recruiting for Turning Point USA.
#Blexit founder Candace Owens is a magnificent spokesperson for the pro-Trump, populist movement. Unfortunately, she went down the same senseless path as Ben Shapiro recently did by making a wholly unnecessary mention of the H word. By now, everyone should realize that liberal blue-check Twitter is going to immediately pounce on any high-profile conservative’s use of the H word, as Lou Dobbs alluded to in the clip below. As this blog previously pointed out with Shapiro, it doesn’t matter if the fake news media takes the use of the H word out of context. That’s what the fake news media does, as do the social justice warriors on anti-social media.
Even many liberals are admitting that a rush to judgment occurred in the massive condemnation of the MAGA-hat-wearing Covington Catholic High School students after a video went viral on social media. With additional footage of the incident that doesn’t fit the initial narrative, it turns out that Covington teens may have been bullied rather than being bullies at the pro-life event, rendering it yet another example of anti-Trump fake news. Certainly in the aftermath of this incident, moreover, the students been on the receiving end of all kinds of threats. The “opposition party” mainstream media seldom takes any interest in Trump supporters who are harassed, threatened, doxed, or physically assaulted, however. The Kentucky high school itself had to shut down today for safety reasons.
Whether it’s because of his outsized, boastful salesman personality, the hair, or the spray tan, the doomsday-is-nigh mainstream media has conducted an obsessive, irrational vendetta against U.S. President Donald Trump. The media treats developments in the news cycle like the end of the world, and doomsday is at hand. Then it’s on to the next controversy du jour. Let’s stipulate the president can sometimes be his own worst enemy by stepping on and/or obscuring his message and accomplishments with needless feuds and overly combative or imprecise rhetoric. Whether you like his demeanor or not, however, the Trump’s MAGA agenda — in fulfillment of campaign promises perhaps like no other president — is all about making America stronger, safer, and more prosperous.
Kimberly Guilfoyle officially announced on Twitter earlier today that she has left the Fox News Channel to take the position of vice chairwoman of the America First political action committee.
News broke on Friday that the network star and FNC were abruptly parting ways despite a contract extension that she signed in June 2017.
In that role, she will be campaigning across the country for the Trump MAGA agenda especially in the run-up to the November midterm elections.
Former @FoxNews host @kimguilfoyle announced her new role as the Vice Chairwoman of nonprofit organization America First after leaving the conservative news outlet last week.
Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle is leaving the Fox News Channel according to various news outlets. There is some question as to whether it is voluntary or involuntary, however.
The popular and charismatic co-host of The Five, where she occupies the so-called leg chair, Kimberly Guilfoye is set to join a pro-President Trump political action committee.
This is a big loss for the network if the reports are accurate, but so far, no one has gone on the record with any official confirmation. A separation package is supposedly being negotiated.
The feisty Guilfoyle, a former California prosecutor who worked at ABC News, Court TV, and CNN before joining FNC in January 2006, was rumored to be under consideration as President Trump’s press secretary, but she signed a longtime contract with the network in June 2017.
In addition to supporting his agenda, Guilfoyle seems to share the president’s love of fast food, as regular Five viewers are aware.
Sources familiar with plan tell me Kimberly Guilfoyle expected to take a role with America First – super PAC that supports Trump agenda
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